Chapter 16 - DP

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(DP means there is some dirty parts in this chapter. If you don't like those kinds of things, please stop reading. If you do, good for you! ;))

Gale was driving very fast on a curvy road but I did not complain because it gave me an excuse to hold onto him even harder. We drove up a hill and turned into a street where there was one huge house of glass standing in front of us. Music blasted from the house, and we jumped off the bike. I took off the helmet, fixed my hair and handed the helmet back to Gale whilst looking up at the house.

"I recognize this house... In a non creepy way." I said and he laughed,

"Yeah, you watch movies?"


"Ever seen 'rouch night' with Scarlett Johansson?" I looked over at Gale, waiting for him to say he was kidding but instead he shrugged his shoulders and showed me the way to the entrance.

"So let me get this straight, you liked the movie so much you bought the house?"

"Exactly. Or you know, the director was a friend and I offered them to borrow my house for the shoot."

"That would make more sense, yes."

He smiled as he opened the door and we walked inside. There was a lot of people, I kind of hadn't expected that since the little stalking I had done when I was obsessed with Gale showed that he was more of a loner.

"Do you often let people party in your house whilst you're out on town trying to pick up girls?"

He shook his head and we walked through the crowd and up some stairs then into another room.

The music wasn't as loud anymore and I looked around the room. It was a bedroom, and Gale was taking off his shirt.

"Wow there, whatcha doing?"

He turned around and looked at me, smirked then walked through another door in the wall and came out with a different shirt.

"Just changing... okay, that's fine. So, this is your bedroom." I said and he nodded,

"It is."

"Nice. Nice colours." I tried to make smalltalk, but I was nervous. My childhood crush had just brought me back to his place.

"So what was that drama outside of the club about?" he suddenly asked and I sighed,

"Right. It's kind of a long story but basically, the guy... Eli, he lied to me."


"About getting divorced."

"Ohh, did he not get divorced?"

"No, he did. But he didn't tell me." Gale had put his shirt on and looked at me with his eyebrows raised,

"So you're mad at him because he did get divorced?"

"No, I'm mad with him because he lied."

"Sounds to me that you found things more interesting when he was married." That had not been the case at all, and why the hell was Gale Harold acting as my psychologist?

"Okay do you charge by the hour?" I asked him and he laughed,

"Sorry, it was just an observation. So you wanna go downstairs and meet some people?"

"I guess. I didn't know you brought me here to party."

"Why did you think I brought you here?"

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