Chapter 25

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I went back to the hospital right after I had finished cleaning up Niall's flat. He still hadn't woken up so I went to the cafeteria and bought a sandwich, I was starting to feel dizzy. Come think about it, I hadn't eaten since yesterday.

As I walked around the hospital, eating my sandwich, I looked around at all the sick people and realized I had once been one of them. Well ,not one of those with cancer, or a broken bone, but someone in need of help. I had a special kind of gratefullness for hospitals.

Once I finished the sandwich, I went back to Niall's room. I didn't want to be seen eating in front of him, and I even popped in a gum before getting back because I didn't want my ham sandwich to be the first thing he smelled when waking up.

He still hadn't woken up though, and the nurses kept checking in on him about once or twice every 30 minutes.

I must have closed my eyes because suddenly I heard my name in a faint whisper, and I looked up at Niall but he was still asleep. Then I looked over to the door and saw Eli standing there. He gave me a quick smile then showed me that he had a bag with things with him. I left the room, and stood just outside with him.

"How is he?" Eli asked, and I was impressed that that was his first question.
"I'm not sure. They tried to wake him up a while ago but he's just not having it." And that's when he pulled me in, hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head,

"He'll make it through." he assured me and I wanted to believe him.
"What are you even doing here, I thought you said you were sending my mum?"I asked him, and he shrugged.
"I know, but I wanted to be here for you. And I really didn't want to spend time alone with another one of your exes." I couldn't help but smile, I didn't blame him.

I put my head to his chest, closed my eyes and with my arms still wrapped around him, I just breathed. He held his arms around me and just let me.

Just as I opened my eyes and looked into the room where Niall was lying, I saw him open his eyes. I quickly took a step back from Eli and walked into the room. Eli stayed outside, and I heard him call for a nurse.

 I took Niall's hands and he squeezed mine, then he smiled at me and let out a faint "thank god." and then the nurses came into the room and I took a step back.

It was about an hour before I could see Niall again. This time, he was sitting up a bit, drinking water from a huge cup with a straw and he smiled when I walked into the room.

"I thought you'd left." he said and I shook my head, walked over and sat down next to him on the bed.

I looked at his cup and he nodded, "I have to finish it all, to stay hydrated."
"Well, you do need it." I said and he must have heard that I wasn't happy, because he put his cup down and put his arm around my shoulder, placing my head on his shoulder. I was now leaning on him, with him keeping his chin on top of my head.

"I'm sorry, Stel. I didn't mean for this to happen, ever."
"I know."
"I know you know. But I still can't believe I did something so stupid, a freaking overdose?! I'm a father for fuck's sake." I looked up at him, seeing nothing but regret in his eyes.

"Yeah you are." I felt tears starting to build up in my eyes and Niall shook his head, pulling me closer,

"Please don't cry, then I'll start and you know we can't stop if we're both crying."
"I just thought... I've seen you in bad places, Ni. I've seen everything, but this... I didn't think you would come back to us. To me." I half whispered and Niall didn't let go of his hold of me.

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