Chapter 14

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"Will it change things?" he asked. I didn't know, all I knew was that I wanted her. I wanted her in every way possible.

"We talked about it and decided we would keep away from each other until the divorce was final." I answered him, Stellas best friend Louis who had cornered me in the restaurant toilet.

"And now it is? You signed the papers today, yeah?"

I nodded. I had signed the papers just before we went to dinner with Louis and Tin and I had faxed them back to London where Willa was waiting. All I had wanted to do since I had sent them was to tell Stella, and now this guy was telling me to hold off on it.

"I'm just asking you to wait until after her tour, when you are both back in England again and there's not all this stress happening."

It seemed reasonable. At the same time it didn't. Louis seemed to know Stella better than anyone though, so not taking his advice would have been foolish.


Eli and I walked back to the hotel in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, more of a "we both know what kind of conversations we had at the restaurant with the guys and we don't want to talk about it" silence.

"So.. godmother, hu?" Eli said suddenly and I nodded,

"Yeah, it's such an honour." I smiled and we kept walking. "What did they mean by difficulties during your birth? Were they talking about when you were born? I didn't think you had known each other that long."

"Oh, well no we haven't." was all I said and Eli knew to leave it at that.

We soon arrived at the hotel and we both went to our seperate rooms.

I sat down on the bed and started thinking about what Tin had talked to me about. How it took time to get over someone you had loved, and it was true, I wasn't sure I would ever be totally over Niall because he was such a big part of me and who I was. But just because you never truly get over someone, are you supposed to never fall in love again? Because that was what was happening, I was falling in love with the man in the room next to mine. That kind, generous, funny, sexy and incredibly patient man. I had thought that we would be good friends because our kids were good friends, but there had been something about him that just made me feel things I hadn't felt in a long time, or ever, with Niall.

I was startled from my thoughts by my phone ringing, and it was Niall of course.

I picked up,

"Hi you." I said and he sounded excited.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just got back from dinner with Tin and Louis." I answered and he made a strange sound,

"Yeah I heard. Tin asked me to call and check up on you, though I'm not sure why."

"Neither am I. I don't need you checking up on me, Ni. I'm fine."

"Tin said that they had brought up Theresa... do you want to talk about it?" He asked and I went quiet for a minute, I did want to talk about it but everytime I talked with Niall about it, we ended up fighting.

"Yeah I do, but not with you. Thanks for checking up though." I said and hung up the phone, put my hair up and walked out of my room again.

I knocked on Eli's door and he opened it faster than I had expected, he looked startled.

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