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"You never realize how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."

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Ryu is now calling

I was busy writing on my journal when Ryu called. I smiled looking at my phone, grabbed it and answered immediately.

"Hey Ryu, what's up?" I said smiling to myself. It took a while before he replied.

"The ceiling."

Some things never change.

Now I can imagine him with that stupid cocky grin of his. I rolled my eyes before answering. "Hello to you too genuis. You listen here, if you don't have anything good to say, you better stop pestering me. I'm a busy woman here." I said trying to sound occupied and pissed but truth is, I was just writing randomly on my favorite journal grinning like an idiot.

What? I was being nice.

He didn't reply.

"Oh well, talk to you la—"


"It's Rosé, Ryan." I said emphasizing Rosé.

"Yeah, yeah. Say, I'm going back next week. I guess I'll see you then." He said.

I was a bit surprised hearing that from him. It was already a year after he left. For a short moment all the memories of us came flashing in but was cut off when I remembered he was at the other line.

"Oh really? Sure, see you then..." I said trailing off. Okay, this is awkward.

"Bye." He said trying to end the conversation quicker than expected.

"Bye, take care." I uttered, copying his emotionless tone before I pressed the end button.

Ryu Vander was my childhood friend but we were quickly separated because we went to different schools during grade school. Fate being the traitor it is, decided that we become classmates during High School. Eventually because of the influence of our classmates, we became the school rumored couple. We were always together and eventually like lovestruck teens, we started having feelings with each other.

After our graduation in High School, he confessed his love for me. Being that unexperienced girl myself, I was too shocked to even answer. I didn't even smile at him and my world stopped when he decided to tell me to forget I even heard it and ran away leaving me dazzed.

For a couple of days we were like stone and ice. Our communication with each other lessened. I even blamed myself for saying nothing during that time, ignoring him in every way possible. Everything felt out of place and awkward.

However, things wasn't that hard on us, a couple of days with our cold war, we became normal friends again. He was back to being his cheerful self, annoying me every second of my life. While me, I was back being my happy self, getting annoyed every second of my life.

Everything was back they way it used to be and so i thought. It felt kind of weird since he acted like I didn't hurt him at all. He acted like I didn't tore his heart into peices, his heart that was too fragile to be even be held. Yes, maybe we forgive. I just don't know if we easily forget. But for him, it was like there wasn't even a conflict before, he was all smiles, laughing, cheerful, thinking that he was fooling the world. He was wrong, because God knows he can't fool me to believe he was fine and it didn't affect him at all.

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