but i love you

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to j, this is for you.

i said "i love you" and you asked me to prove it.
i see you don't understand how a woman loves.
"i will set the stars for you."
"i will move the mountains for you."
"i will chase the moon for you."
"i will carry the world for you."
those are the words i assume you want to hear, mon amour. am i right?

i am no omnipotent to set and control everything, even the time for us to stop, the relationship for us to work. but with all due, i am powerful enough to break the walls i built just to let you enter my world.

i am no omniscient to lay the words people has defined love with. but i assure you that when i love, i give my all—not my body, but my heart and the forever that lives for a lifetime.

i see you need someone who'll be with you at all times—why you look for someone who has grown flowers in your desert. i am sorry for i am no omnipresent. i may have broken promises, but in time you'll see me there walking in the aisle while you are there at the end, nervously waiting for me.

i am sorry for i am no God to set everything we wish in a heliocentric solar system. i am just a personified cup of overflowing imperfections.

i am no singer unlike katty perry but i still love you unconditionally, for that is how love should go even in the worst instances of unrequited wordy confessions.

i love you in metaphors i can't write, in reasons i couldn't prove with much documents, in ways nobody else could ever do, and in portraits your rainbow has brought.

i love you in melody my heart doesn't forget to sing, and in languages only it can translate.

i may have loved and remembered all the other guys i hooked up with before, don't forget that stars differ in luminosity. you may not be my sun that is always the highlight of my day. but you are my northern star, the phenomena in my life that tickles even the thickest and most serious skin of my body.

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