beat box heart

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to my talented friend, aila sofia.

Now Playing Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift

"Ai promise me that when we grow old we'll have a duet on this song. You can play the beat box and I can sing for you,"
her bestfriend, Chance said.

"But Chance, I may not have this beat box working right if we will have to wait that long," the young little Aizelle said.
"Besides, that song doesn't even need a beat," Ai said laughing to her bestfriend.

Chance immidiately pouted on what Ai said, but the young kid had an idea on his mind.

"Ai, how can you say that the song doesn't need a beat?"

"Hmm. Because it's a sad song? and sad songs doesn't need a beat?" she replied not completely sure of her answer.

Instead of laughing Chance just smiled and sat down with her on the green grass. He held her hand and felt tinggles run through his spine. That's why he let go on shock.

"Ai, everything needs a beat. The voice can't work without a beat. And without both. The song can't be made," Chance the cute young boy said smiling to his bestfriend Ai not minding what he felt earlier.

Even though Ai was completely oblivious on the meaning of what Chance said she was Smiling ear to ear and just noded to her bestfriend.

"I promise"

« 5 years later »


9:00 am

My eyes shot up as soon as I heard my alarm clock.

Another dream. Another sad story. Another memory.

I look up to my calendar. Great. It's the day. August 1.

The day I loathed the most. The day when happiness was devoured by complete sadness.

The day I wished never came.

« flashback 5 years ago »

third person point of view

"Mom where's Chance? He said he would meet me here after his vacation in America?"  10 year old Aizelle said to her mom.

Her mother was tearing up in just looking down at her daughter.

She new that Chance had a heart disease and he went to America for operations. He was going to try and cure his heart disease. He was out risking his life.

The doctors long said that there will be a 50% chance that he'll not survive the operation due to his age but that statement never budged him to stop.


"Why do you want the operation so bad honey!? It can cost you your life! You can just stay here and just enjoy your life while it's still there!" his teary eyed mother Amelia said to Chance.

"But Mom! I want to do it! I want to be healthy when I grow up! So that Ai and I could live happily together! I want things to work for the both of us!" the young Chance said confidently to his mother.

Her mother was shocked on his statement. She never thought that her son, an 15 year boy would be this brave and mature enough to make this kinds of decisions for a girl.

Amelia was a loving mother. She loved Chance with all her heart and she couldn't stay in between what he wanted to do and she still had hope that maybe just maybe the operation might work.

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