secret thoughts

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"eriiiiic! eric wait!"

ugh, there she goes again. when will she ever get tired of calling my name? is she stupid or something?

can't she see that i'm not interested in her? she keeps on clinging like a leech for i don't know how long now.

Daedenise Rosdel Asyrinth, the desperate girl of Lab High.

do you know who she is? well, her story goes like this

when we were in our third year college, del was left broken by her jerk faced ex. almost 2 months after their so called breakup, if there was really something to break, she became 50% more clingy.

actually, del was one of my friends back at the day- when she was totally normal. i used to call her rosdel and to be honest, developed a little crush on her.

sadly, when i saw she entered a relationshit with that 'guy' i already began refusing the thought that i 'like' her.

jai and i are really close, but somehow when she became committed to the guy, she became less open to us- her friends.

it's not like we were left out as loners in Lab High, but we felt left out because she never even thought of coming near us, i don't even know if she remembered she had friends. because she was busy being blinded with her 'boyfriend' that never did anything but make her cry and feel fake-loved.

i hated her, because she was so selfish. we warned her about her boyfriend, his bad habits and even his other relationships. but what did she do? she thought of us as her enemy. she hated us to death. that's why i despised her.

when they broke up, she never wasted anytime and asked for forgiveness. funny, because my other friends immediately forgave her but me, i don't think it's that easy.

my hate for her has grown as time passed. i didn't accept her apology. so since that day on, she became clingy and everytime i zone out she follows me! doesn't she have some shame? that people might call her a creepy stalker for doing this?

"hey eric! eric slow down, where are you going?"

i stopped and faced her with a cold stare.

"del, please stop this."

"what do you mean 'stop this'? there's nothing wrong with what i'm doing, eric." she said trying to fake a smile at me.

she's so easy to read.

"really dae-

"stop calling me dae, you know it's not my name."

"i don't care. just, leave me alone." i told her as i turn around and left her.

i know i'm being a jerk, but can you blame me? she completely turned away from us, her friends! she chose her fake love, it was her decision. it was her mistake.

"argh!! why can't you stay out of my mind!?" i scream in frustration.

these days, she was always the one running in my mind. she's driving me crazy. i know i'm mad at her but now i think she's the reason why i'm being like this.

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