to the kindest hearts

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hey, this is for you.

for having a heart that still loves even with all its broken pieces, a heart that forgives even when they are not sorry. i know you are tired of being walked on every time you give them another chance. i just want to tell you this, i hope their pain doesn't harden your heart. i hope you don't forget who you were in the quest of loving them. i know how hard it is to stay soft in a world where everyone wants to break you.

it's okay if you still harbour the same feelings for them, it's okay if you still wish them well, because that's how you are-you love even when you're broken. it's okay if you still want them happy because for you, their happiness matters even if you're not going to be part of it. here's the thing about having a heart that loves despite it all. such hearts know no bounds, they have no grudges to hold onto and they only spread kindness even if their world is crashing.

i know sometimes, this pain feels like it won't leave, some moments you find yourself drowning in your own tears yet, their name is etched in every corner of your heart and you always pray that they are safe wherever they are. i hope you'll always be this kind, i hope you'll always brim with love even when everyone around you hurts you continuously. i hope you'll not let them break your soul.

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