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once upon a time i opened up my heart to you.
you did what you chose to do.
you chose to keep me as a best friend.
little did you know I was dying to the very end.

you killed me with every boyish look.
my heart melted and my knees shook.
i always wanted more than that,
but i guess it wasn't meant to be.
but you'll never truly know how much you meant to me.

you were always there
and wiped away every tear.
i just wish you would've waited, stayed there.
i still dream about you in this one-sided love.
it's hard to breathe without you,
like a suffocating dove.

i wish you loved me the way I loved you,
but this is a lesson that helped me learn the truth.
guard your heart and soul and mind,
unless you want yourself in an unruly bind.

this one-sided love has torn me apart.
this one-sided love has broken my heart.
please be safe on this journey of life,
and come back someday and make me your wife.

this one-sided love is a dangerous game,
but then again, that's the name of the game.

a galaxy full of planets and stars,
hides a love full of wonders and doubts.
a life living in cloud nine and scars,
then you realize alongside is a love line so routh.

thinking of what we could be, if i hadn't been there for him. would i be hurt in this onsided love? would i be sad in the mystique of love?

if i can only bring back time from the very start, during the time we weren't drifting apart. i could go back to save my heart,
i would tell myself, stay away from love.
love that seems it's not from above.

when you finally realize you are not loved, from down below is where it comes.

this burning torment inside my heart will never go away, it will never part.

so here i am with a sword in my soul,
burning me like a flaming peice of coal.
they say love is blind, they weren't lying, i fell for him, now i think about dying.

nobody needs to pity me,
i hope no one has to see
the pain and sorrow that lies in me.

a onesided love that cannot be seen, a friend he always have been.

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