the ante

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of all the places i have been,
in your arms is where i stayed.
you were all i kept within,
needless of another escapade.

perhaps, you were everywhere—
in the stars that hold every tiny hope,
in footsteps found in misadventures,
and in heartbroken girls who, in love, groped.

on the outskirts of town, time wears off
leaving me all shattered, yearning for everything lost.
in nights of solitude, who else would i think of
when all men looked like you, putting myself at cost.

you were nevertheless, the man who stayed
as torment yet a glimpse of temporary happiness.
every part of you was the love i wish had remained
not as nostalgia, but everything that could be the greatest.

maybe in a parallel world, we'd again be spellbound;
that under a starry sky, your lips would adrift in mine
and in each other's eyes, we'd find a love so profound
leaving us inseparable, with our hands intertwined.

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