How You Get The Girl

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Date 3-29-17

Hey my lovely readers!

Once again, the title is the name of a song by Taylor Swift.

Anyone know the song "How You Get The Girl" by Taylor Swift?

No, she's not my favorite artist. Right now that spot goes to Halsey.

I even have this chapter's picture dedicated to her :)

Now on to the story!


Chapter 66: How You Get the Girl

Adrian tells Mason the short version of the truth. Then he tells Lucas to fill Mason in later on the rest.

"Are you done here? I've got things to do." Adrian, says even though it's a lie and he knows Lucas can hear the lie if he was listening. Based on the narrowing of Lucas' eyes, he was listening.

"Adrian, I actually had another question for you." Lucas says with an edge to his voice like a warning to not try to leave. Adrian actually had been thinking of ditching them, even if Lucas needed to talk.

But Adrian sighs and figures he might as well get it over with. "Fine. What is it?"

"I was thinking-" Lucas begins but Adrian interrupts him.

Adrian mumbles, "Well that's a shocker."

"Adrian." Lucas growls at him, on the verge of losing his patience with Adrian.

"Sorry." Adrian replies with an eye roll. "Go on."

Lucas ignores the sarcastic layer that seems to always coat Adrian's tone.

"How does your heart beat? Aren't vampires dead?" Lucas gets right to the point to try avoiding Adrian's bad mood.

"Yes, vampires are dead." Adrian replies slowly with his eyebrows pinched as if he was getting slightly defensive.

"But since I'm an extraordinarily powerful vampire, I learned to control my heartbeat." Adrian answers the question.

"How?" Lucas says in disbelief before he thinks about what he was saying.

"Through a lot of pain." Adrian says, looking Lucas straight in the eye.

Adrian wasn't kidding. He had to trigger his heartbeat with a lot of pain, then learn to control it so it would beat whenever he willed it too.

Adrian can even appear human if he suppresses his strength and speed and makes his heart beat around other people. Adrian convinced someone that he was human for awhile. But that's a story for another time.


"Everything okay with your parents?" Lucas texts Lena after Adrian and Monique leave.

"Eh. We had to sit down and have a talk. They noticed we've been absent lately." Lena texts back. Lucas thinks about that and realizes Lena is right. Ivie and Lena have been gone a lot dealing with this supernatural stuff. It's no wonder that their parents noticed.

"I'm sorry. That's kinda my fault." Lucas answers sincerely. Lucas feels bad for messing up Lena's life. But then again, if Lena hadn't been a part of all of this, they might not have gotten together when they did.

"It's ok. I made the decision to be involved. I couldn't just stay out of it." Lena responds just as honestly as Lucas is. It makes Lucas glad to know that their relationship is starting off so openly with no secrets.

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