Duel with Snape

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When we finally got to Snape I was steaming. I open the door and glared at Sev.
*Sev! Why did you do that to me I'm going to be smeared all over the cabins now. If I'm going to suffer so are you.* I said at the end I was smirking.
He gave me a calculating look at me.
*And what is it that you can do to me?* he said with a straight face.
*I can call my parents that includes our dad and get them to do some opportunities. I dearly hope you love pink because mama Aphro will surely love a new model. You do know I was her model I can always say that you will do it.* I said with a smirk.
He glared at me. I just kept smirking. The trio just keep watching our conversation.
"What's going on?" Harry asked as Hermione was going to.
I look at Harry.
*don't think your getting g out of this you told Aunt Sally now I'm going to be yelled at with vigilance from Aunt Sally!* I growled out at Harry.
"He says Harry. Don't think your getting g out of this you told Aunt Sally now I'm going to be yelled at with vigilance from Aunt Sally!" Snape said with the end of his mouth quirk in a smile.
Harry held his hands up and mutters the need to learn that language. I can feel my left leg going num. I also see blood. I press the charm on my necklace. It flowed showing that he received it. Five minutes later he runs in with his bag.
"What's wrong Ash?" He asked.
*I was yelling at Sev and Harry and blood ran down my left leg and it went completely num. I can't really feel it. And I'm feeling nauseous and my chest is getting tight.* I said. Wheezing.
* I'm going to have to take you to my palace this does not sound good.* he said.
*Severus I got to take him. One his cancer is back and it may have spread to his spinal cord. And two there may be internal bleeding from a splinter from his ribs into his vain when he was kicked or raped." Sunny Apollo said.
"Alright Dr. Sunny I'll tell the Headmaster." Sev said. Apollo nodded and stepped in the office floo network. We appeared in his palace. He rushed me to a bed and started working on me. Artemis came and gave a sad look. She helped also. My eyes were getting to heavy to keep open. Apollo saw this.
"Come on Ash don't do that to us. I know you have been having a hard time. But you need to pull through for your brothers, sisters, friends, your moms and dads. You need to pull through for me and Artemis." Apollo yelled. My breath caught and I couldn't breathe. A tear escaped my eye I look into apollos eyes I open my mouth it then all goes black.
Apollos P.o.v.
Artemis and I were working on Ash. I look up to check on him to see he was struggling to keep his eyes open.
"Come on Ash don't do that to us. I know you have been having a hard time. But you need to pull through for your brothers, sisters, friends, your moms and dads. You need to pull through for me and Artemis." I said. His breath hitched his lips started to turn blue. He looked into my eyes and he opened his mouth to say something then the light in his eyes disappeared leavening a dull and lifeless eyes.
I yelled. I fell to my knees crying Artemis joined as we cried on each other. I can hear footsteps running closer.
"Apollo what happened?" Asked several. I look at ashes pale skin and blue lips. They look and I can hear the agonies and cries. I got up and appeariate to Hogwarts. I walk into the great hall and my eyes are puffy and red. All eyes look towards me and the hall goes deathly silent. I still wore my bloody doctors coat. I walk to Dumbledore.
"Can I speak to the students." I whisper.
He nods his head.
I stand in front of all the students.
"I know most of you don't know me. I am Doctor Sunny Olympia. My brother was Ash Olympia. I came to this school many times because some of you beat him so bad that you tore up his stomach and intestines, broke several ribs, punctured his lung. Then there was a time I came when several students ganged up on him and immobilized him a profusely raped him, to the point it caused internal bleeding, fractured back, and infection to his stomach. In which spread his cancer that was in his stomach to his back. The broken ribs shot splinters into his vain causing a leak that I was unable to find. Congratulations students who partook in those events. He died ten minutes ago. My little brother is dead and he was only eleven years old. He had so much more life he could've lived. He always loved helping people even though some may not notice. Now my family has to prepare a funeral, Severus you are needed home. After all he was your cousin also." I said. With a tear. Many students were crying. Harry stood up and ran out of the room. His friends followed him. I walked out of the great hall. I turn to see Sev on his knees with tears. He got up and ran to the shadows disappearing. I appeared back at my palace to see all gods over him crying.
Ash's p.o.v.
I'm standing in front the three fates. I bowed.
"Hello lady fates." I said.
"Please stand young hero. We have many things we need to discuss." One said. I stood and look at them.
"Yes you have certainly gave me a hard paths. What is it we need to discuss?" I ask looking down.
"Child you have made a great impact on the gods they were changing to what we hoped they would be from the beginning. We're afraid if you go now then they will be worse then you started. You also have a mission to protect the wizards also." They told me.
"Yes I understand. I love them all they my family all of them were my fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters. I want to help them but I don't know how." I said still looking down.
"We have a proposition for you Ash. We wish to make you a god of all domains. However we would not bound you to the ancient laws. You keep working and saving lives as champion of earth. You are to protect lives if you can. However you would still need to drink animal blood and eat through the feeding tube." The fates said.
"I accept your offer my ladies." I said.
They nod and threw energy balls at once at me hitting me in the chest. I gave a cry and my body was engulfed in lights. I can hear weeping and crying. I gasp for air clutching the blankets.
"Ash!" People screamed.
"Can you please quiet down my head hurts enough as it is." I said clutching my head. Apollo rushed and started checking my pulse and blood count. The whole works. All look at me for explanation.
"Lady Fates gave me a chance to be the guardian of earth. I'm not bound be ancient laws. And they say I still have quests to complete." I said not telling them the other things.
They nod.
"Whelp I'm going to Hogwarts acting like a ghost." I said. They smiled. I winked at Sev. I closed my eyes and appeared in Sevs office. I turn my self into a ghost Black and white. I then float around Hogwarts. I went into the great hall floating. The hall went quiet. I floated to The golden Trio. "H-Hey H-Harry, M-Mione, R-Ron" I croaked. The all look at me.
Harry gave me a sad smile.
"Hey Ash are you going okay?" He asked. "I guess I am. I tried to hug my papas but I went through them. They explained to me what happened." I said sadly.
"I then watched my Aunt and brothers cry over me. I-i don't like this so much." I said.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear about that. Are you going to stick around here?" The trio asked.
"Yeah then sometimes I'm going to visit my family for a bit." I said. They nodded. The Gryffindors looked saddened. I then float down low and whispered.
"I'm going to scare the kids that hurt me." And a grin broke across Harry's face.
"Yes please do that. You might also want to talk to Dumbledore there. Is it true Snape was your cousin?" Harry ask. I nod.
"Do you remember how I said a group of men adopted me?" I ask. They nod.
"Well one of those men was his birth father. In a way he's my brother but you see his father and his two brothers adopted me. So it makes me his brother and cousin." I said. Their eyes widened. Then a sad look came back on my face.
"I never got to hug my bubas. Excuse me." I said almost crying. I flew out of there and flew into the abandoned bathroom.

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