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Lately, I discovered my brother.... Wasn't really my brother. Let me explain.
I already told you that he was a sad, ambitious and dark person, who held heavy secrets, but who acted like an idiot and a womanizer to hide all of that. And this is how I came to think he didn't really pay attention to me, because of his job, really important, and few other stuffs. I thought I was a burden. That if I was never here, he would be happier, not to have to protect me, not to have to care about me... And that's where I was wrong. Dr Marcoh taught me that, if he did that, and if he acted overprotective, it wasn't because I was a burden. It's just the only thing he can do to show me he loves me, because his job takes him so much time he doesn't have any other way to prove me I am important for him.
Well, in fact, I was really taken aback when I told him about the state alchemist exam. Because he had no reaction. He simply nodded his head and... Nothing. I was disappointed and it only comforted me in my (wrong) thought. I really felt as if he didn't care, as if it meant nothing for him. I learnt by Armstrong, after talking to the Dr Marcoh, and in the train to Resembool, that he spent the rest of the night drinking and calling Riza, because he didn't understand how he could not notice and how he could let me be part of the state, me, his beloved sister... I was touched, of course. Really touched. But I wondered why he didn't tell me immediately that he was sad about this, that he was kinda against this... And Edward answered me, as a big brother himself, that he surely wanted to support me, no matter what, and he didn't want to show me the fact he didn't agree... I really tried my best not to cry, and promised myself to call him as soon as we would be arrived... Because I don't want him to think I don't like him. I really love and admire him! I've always done. Except when he came back from war, but anyway!
All of that just to point out that family is really important, and sometimes, a family is not only because you share the same blood! Few families are made by the dearest friends, by the persons who always cared about you. Few blood families aren't as linked as "friend families". I love my brother, I think, actually, when I will tell him, we'll be a real family, finally, because true families don't have misunderstandings.

Also, I wonder what Edward and Alphonse's family is! I'm really impatient to meet them!

-Karen Mustang-

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