SJ88's Annual Reader Survey

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Some of you may remember last year when I did my first reader survey. I've decided to give it another go because I wanna know what you guys think.

So basically, just in-line comment your answers to the questions. The survey is voluntary because I can't physically force you to do it, but I'd love it if you answered.

So here we go.

1. How would you describe my account as a whole?

2. What book of mine if your favorite?

3. How did you find my account?

4. What on this account are you looking forward to the most?

5.  What do you think of this book?

6. What things do you want to see me do in this book?

7. What would you like to see me do more of?

8. If you could change anything about my works, what would it be?

9. Do you think I complain too much?

10. What do you think of my posting habits; too much, too little, or just right?

11. What would you like to see me do less of?

12. Any other comments?

And that's it! Thanks so much if you did it! I'll post the results up (like I did the other one) in a few days. Thanks so much guys :)

Stay awesome,


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