Isn't It Strange?

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Isn't it strange that we live in a world where our opinions of people depend mostly on what they look like? I wished that people didn't achieve success solely on looks. I honestly wish make-up didn't exist. I wish that there was no societal expectation for women to have flat stomachs and perfectly shaped eyebrows and round lips and eyes with long eyelashes and that everyone who didn't fit these standards didn't constantly feel like they weren't good enough.

Isn't it strange that a bombing that kills thousands and what celebrities wore to the red carpet has the same value for front page news? I honestly don't know which one disgusts me more. I cannot fathom for the life of me how somebody could be so motivated to go out and kill thousands for no reason? Just to end lives? How can anybody justify such a cruel act with such a simple response? And how come that so-called 'fashion disasters' are given as much credit as this for front page news?

Isn't it strange how I'm writing this in my lunch break at school, sitting in the school libary, thinking about how none of this well ever matter. Eventually the earth will be eaten by the sun and everything we've ever been or done will be gone. 

Isn't it strange that sometimes our animal instincts to feed ourselves and defend ourselves sometimes disappear?

Isn't it strange that a chemical imbalance in the brain can overpower all instincts and tell you that you want to die?


Just maybe.

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