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So about 2 and a half hours ago I decided it was time for some skincare and put on one of those sheet mask thingos. I haven't been eating great recently and my skin has been freaking out a whole lot so I decided to use one that I use quite frequently, and put it on.

Except this time my skin was NOT A FAN. So at first it felt like normal, kinda icky and gooey but relaxing, and then my cheeks started getting really warm and I removed the mask. I just assumed that meant the mask was warming to my body heat and it was time to take it off.

Boy was I wrong.

About 5 minutes after removal, my entire face had gone bright red, like BRIGHT red and it was burning and I had to hold an ice pack to it for about half an hour, before it started to stop burning. It stopped hurting me but I was still a tomato.

The colour faded after about an hour and a half, and it's far from perfect but I'm no longer a tomato. Only problem is the burn is back, and this time it's an ULTRABURN and really hurts.

I really hope this clears up soon because I have a halloween-christmas party tonight that I have to go to.

I also really hope that this burns my pimples off because if not then why did I go through all this pain?

Anyways, hope y'all are well and Ima get back to drawing.

Love y'all,


The Intriguing Illogical Ideas of Iजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें