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I must say, today has been a highlight in my retail career in dealing with strange customers. But before I go into that, a quick PSA.

If you see some clothes that you like, and you wanna check the side, DO NOT STRIP OFF IN THE STORE TO TRY IT ON! WE HAVE CHANGE ROOMS! WE DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR NAKED BODY!

Men are more guilty of this than women, but mother's are very quick to pull their children's clothes off right in the middle of the homewares department.

So please, for the sake of the children, and the employees, take the 2 minutes to walk to the changerooms. They're provided for a reason.

Thank you.

Moving on. I was at the register's today, doin my thang, and this lady approached me and my co-worker, let's call him Johnny, and asked for a refund.

Now, I'm not qualified to do refunds, so I was just sort of standing off to the side and watching.

So Johnny asks this lady what's wrong with her bedsheets, and she stated that they were too small for her daughter's bed. Then Johnny scanned it up, and it said that it was purchased 157 days ago.

Now this was my first instinct that something was wrong. Why would you return bedsheets that were too small, one hundred and fifty seven days later?

Either way, Johnny informs her that we can only give her a store coupon because she returned it 28 days after purchase date.

And then she brought on the tears. She started absolutely sobbing and then started telling us her life story and something about how her daughter was in hospital. We were sympathetic, but continued telling her that we couldn't do anything.

Eventually, Johnny called the manager, who came down and started telling her the same thing, and when she didn't stop crying, she just gave up and we gave her the money back.


To make things worse, when she left, we examined her bedsheets. They had been used. So basically, she had decided she didn't like her bedsheets anymore, washed and folded them, and returned them to the store, making sure to add tears to make us give her pity and give her the money.

Like seriously, lady. It was 20 bucks. Really?!?!


Also I was given a business card today on how Jesus is our lord and savior. That was weird.

And a customer asked me to shout at her child. I did not shout at this child. I am very good at scaring children, but this child was so innocent and I honestly felt so bad for him. His mother had stopped to talk to her friend for a good half hour, and he walked over to a display and accidently knocked one thing off a shelf, and picked it up and put it back, but his mother was so mad and some people just make me wonder why they became parents in the first place.

So yeah.

Yay retail.

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