An Exciting Day

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So I was at work last night, doing my usual thingo where I clean up the accessories department, when a loud, roudy group of teenage boys walked into my Target. They were next to me, being very loud, swearing, and throwing things around.

I was keeping an eye on them, mostly because they looked kinda sketchy and I assumed they were gonna steal something. After a while, I heard one of them start complaining about how they couldn't find something, and being the good little employee that I am, I walked over to them.

I was very polite. I smiled, and asked them if I could assist them with anything.

Then they responded, very plainly, "F*ck off"

I quickly returned to where I was working and didn't attempt to talk to them again. Later, one of the other employees stated over the earpiece that they'd been in here, causing trouble, every single day of the school holidays, and the manager escorted them out.

Anyway, fast forward to today, I was on the registers doing my thing, and the same boys walked into the store. I turned to my supervisor and stated what happened the day before, and that we really needed to get rid of these kids.

So the manager comes out and escorts them out of the store after my supervisor tells her what I said. Then, she comes over to me and explains how they're now banned from our Target and security had been called.

She then left and my supervisor comes over and asks me to write an incident report over what happened last night because they were going to pass it onto the police.

And naturally, I freaked out, because seriously, it wasn't that big of a deal. But I wrote the report and signed it, and now I have no idea what will happen.

I hope the police don't wanna talk to me. The idea of that scares me.

Oh well.

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