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I had you guys ask me stuff yesterday and now I'm going to write answers to that stuff.

GeekyMeerkat2602 asked: If you could see any band live ever, who would it be?

At the moment, it would probably be Fall Out Boy because they're one of the only bands that I love that I haven't seen live yet. But I'd also love to see Panic! Again, and All Time Low.

GeekyMeerkat2602 asked: If you could relive any concert you've ever been to, what would it be?

I would of course have to say the Panic! At The Disco concert. Not only was Brendon beautiful and amazing, I got to spend the night with my very best friends in the whole wide world and embarrass them with my bad dancing.

Then GeekyMeerkat2602 asked me what the hottest Brisbane has ever been, and this took  me on a bit of a journey.

Even though I tend to have a plethora of Brisbane facts in my head at all times, I actually didn't know this one. So I went to my trusty friend Google and typed in 'Brisbane Heat Records'

Now this all sounds normal so far, except the problem is, Brisbane's cricket team is literally named "The Brisbane Heat".

So all I got in my searches was cricket records.

The best strike rate in the Brisbane Heat cricket team belongs to a guy named TS Mills, and the hottest day recorded in Brisbane temperature-wise is 43.2 degrees, or 110 farenheight.

helloitsdoctordisco asks: what's the biggest spider you've ever encountered?

There was one living in my shower for a while that was the size of my hand, although I have seen bigger ones at the Insect museum. I held a really big one there.

exposchick asks: Food?

Food. I like food. Food is fab.

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