Why Australia is Celebrating, and Why It Doesn't Mean Anything

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If you've opened any news browsers, picked up a newspaper or turned on the TV today, you'd know that the results of Australia's Same Sex Marriage survey. And much to my delight, and the delight of everyone around the country (and the world), it came out a resounding 'yes'!

Obviously I'm happy. I wanna get married one day, and this is exciting. Every step is one step closer to SJ's wedding bells. But the fact is, even though there was a majority yes vote in every single state, there is one problem.

This survey means absolutely nothing. Nada. Zip. Nothing at all.

So why hold it?

Well, our prime minister wanted to stay in power a couple more months, so here we go. The Australian parliament spent billions of dollars putting out this postal vote, and it literally means nothing.

The problem we have here, see, is that our parliament stuck-up old dudes who do not believe in same sex marriage. And the problem is that even though the majority of Australia wants it, it's this tiny population of people in power who can turn around say no. And their votes are what really counts.

Not to mention that the postal vote is constitutionally illegal because you need to hold a referendum to change the constitution and a postal vote is not a referendum.

But I'm not all down and gloomy, even though the vote is meaningless. Because every step we take, every vote we turn in, every time we wave our rainbow flags and celebrate, is one step closer to being able to have the same rights as everyone else.

So I'm gonna celebrate tonight, and I hope you guys do too. I'll keep you updated on what happens next.

Love y'all,


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