'That Kid'

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So today I became 'That Kid'.

You know that kid. The kid that gets an extra week to do an assignment and an extra 10 minutes on tests and only has to do their orals in front of the teacher.

I had to go and see the headmaster at my school and plead for extensions because my mental health has been so bad since the beginning of this school term (AKA I almost ended up in the hospital + super fun daily panic attacks)

It doesn't feel nice. I don't like being 'that kid'. All my friends now are telling me now lucky I am and how they wished they were the same so they had the extensions.


Don't they realise how terrible this is?! Pretty much all of them have followed me as I've run out of classes due to anxiety attacks and they've seen me when I'm hyperventilating so much that I can't breathe.

Thanks for the support, guys. I'm glad to know you'd happily sign up for this too so you can be judged by your classmates because they still believe in stereotypes and also that I'm just faking for extra time.

That's so helpful, thanks guys.

And then when (god forbid) I'm doing something that isn't assignments they get all salty and say that I didn't deserve extensions because I'm just wasting time.

So apparently I'm not allowed downtime anymore either.

Ultimately, the moral of the story is, if you know a kid who has 'special consideration' at school, I can almost guarantee you that they hate it with a passion and wish they could just be like everyone else.

Being 'that kid' isn't fun.

This has been a message from Zoe.

Real Talk over. Have a funny gif.

 Have a funny gif

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