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I woke up in a cage with Harley looking at me. My head was pounding and I was laying on the cold hard floor.

Harley was hang from some sort of perch she made.

"Finally your awake" Harley smiled.

"Where are we" I asked rubbing the remaining sleep from my eyes. I tried to remember what happened before this but it was all dark.

"Some type of prison or something" Harley stepped down her perch.

"How we get in here" I asked.

"The bats gave to them and the police grabbed you after they pronounced you dead" I raised an eyebrow when she said dead.

"Dead what do you mean dead" I was so confused.

"You went rogue and you wanted to make a comeback you killed a few and said Siren had to die and she stabbed you in the stomach" Harley chuckled.

I ran my hand over the scar that was there from my stab wound was. "I was dead" I said.


"How long was I out" i asked.

"About a month" I was out for a month a full straight month and I am just waking up.

A bunch of guards walked in. There was one the unlocked our fence gate and walked up to our cage. He had alpha 1 on the front of his suit.

"When are we going to be let out of here" I smiled. The guard laughed.

"Out. There is no out" the guard said.

"Your going to let us out" I laughed.

"You two are both crazy" he turned and walked away.

"I will kill you" I shouted. Harley came and patted me on the shoulder.

"We'll get out of here and we can kill him together" she hugged me.

The longer we sat there the slower the hours went. There were no windows to see outside. I thought about my daughters, I sound like a mom. I thought about Joker and when I was gonna get out of here.

"I'm gonna kill myself" I said.

"M you can't do that" Harley said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Then I'll be bored" Harley laughed.

"Then I won't" I said

♛♚Joker's POV♚♛

Johnny walked in the room that I was in. Alot has happened.

"What do you want" I said. I sat up from the circle I was sitting in. 

"Its her, she is alive" he said sitting on a step.

"Where is she" I spoke calmly. She was dead the last time I seen her now she is alive.

"Some swamp in Louisiana if your a bad enough bad guy you can get in" Johnny said.

"Bring the car around were going for a drive" I laid back down in my circle. Then I starts laughing.

This sequel is out. Sorry that this is so short I just need this to kinda get the plot set up. But I am happy this is up.

Smyle • The Smile of A Mad Man sequelWhere stories live. Discover now