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We saved the world. Not what super villains normally do. In a cage though, but I did get to see my daughters. I feel a little better knowing that I did something I probably wouldn't have don't.

"Milo, we saved the world" Harley said while slipping her expresso. Harls now have an expresso machine and I have a radio.

"We did that" I smiled.

I was swinging from my perch peacefully. When I heard an explosion. From the huge whole walked in some men that seemed to be swat. They took down the guards that surrounded me and Harls cell.

One of the swat men started cutting throw the lock of the door. The main swat walked in our cage.

I was still really surprised about everything that just happened. Couldn't believe who was standing in front if me after they ripped their mask off.


I jumped onto him and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here to take you home" Joker said.

"Before we get out of here I have a few stops around here to make" I walked out of the cage.

"I want to get my stuff" Harls shout over the loud siren that was going off. When me and Harley walked out of the room we were in guards surrounded us at gun point.

"Tim it is not what it looks" I spoke to one of guards. Joker and his men started shooting at the guards. Harley and I managed to snag some keys off of two guards.

"Ok you go right I'll go left and we'll meet where ever our stuff is" I said.  

"Yes Sir" Harley giggled and ran right.

I ran past Deadshot's cell and had turn around and let him out.

"Whats going on" Deadshot raised a brow.

"nothing really just a break out" I smiled.

Time Skip~

Harley and I have gotten everyone. We found the room with our things in it. I was currently strapping my knives into my cloak.

"Emerald hurry up in there" Joker shouted.

"Don't rush me I'm almost done" I shouted back.

I finish getting my stuff along with everyone else. We ran back around to where J and his men first came in. There were two black vans.

"Your guys in the that van and you me and my people in that van" I said while walking to the van.

"Why do they have to ride with us" J said irritated.

"You should do it for me plus I'm not the one who cheated I opened the back doors for Harley and the others. Joker's men had already got into the other van.

"I cheated for the both of us" J chuckled.

"Oh really now" I said.

"Im not the only one you were also hanging a little to close to Mr. Lexxy back at his mansion" J spoke.

"I was not I was staying with a friend while my childrens father was fuckin some other bitch" I was getting a little anger.

"Sorry to intrupt your guys married couple argument but we need to go" Desdshot said.

"Yeah we have a few cops on the way" Boomerang said.

"J start driving what are you doing" I said. "I love you" I didn't want to say it but I needed to.

"I know you do doll" J smiled.

This is nice Milo is back with J. But it's terrible short.

Smyle • The Smile of A Mad Man sequelWhere stories live. Discover now