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In Dream

"I'm back here again haven't been here in a while" I said looking around the black pit I was standing in.

"You brought my sister back to my realm" Annabeth said.

"What do you mean I took out a loon with the name Evelyn and I am glad I did" I smiled with victory.

"That was my sister. She didn't look like herself but she took that form" Annabeth spoke. "Why do you think she would talk about being a queen so much, she was powerful enough to even get to your world".

"So I took out your sociopathic sister and you came to tell me" I raised a brow.

"No I came to tell you more it's your sister" Annabeth had sadness in her voice. I felt tears well up in my eyes when I heard her say my sister.

"What is wrong with her, is she ok, where is she" I asked question after question to find out if she was ok.

"I don't know where she is but, I know she is broken and lost. She needs you but she doesn't want you to find her just for what she might do. Annabelle has poisoned her mind but that's why she might be gone" Annabeth told me.

I began to cry it felt like I had just got my sister back yeah I didn't she her for a while but it felt like I met the the girl I always knew to be my sister.

"Milo, I am so sorry" Annabeth let a tear roll down her cheek.

"Annabeth, she has to go now" Celeste stood behind Annabeth. Celeste's pink hair fell over her shoulder.

End Dream

I think I have never been so happy. Got my daughters back and took out a loony bitch in one day. It was all crazy. The girls were still shaken up by the whole thing. They didn't want to sleep in their room so they slept with us and trust me I wanted them to sleep in the room with us. I wasn't complaining I was just glad I had them back.

J and the girls were sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night from some weird nightmare it was all bad but, I got out of the bed and went to get something to eat. It was freezing down stairs for whatever reason. I thought of my sister and how I couldn't be able to see her.

"Mommy" I turned around and saw Monroe and Opal.

"What are you two doing up" I smiled and walked over to them.

"We wake up when you got up" Opal said.

"Yeah, momma why are you up" Monroe asked.

"Because momma had a bad dream" I crouched in front of them.

"Opal and Jinx would have had dreams when we were with Ms. Evelyn and I told them to think about happy things" Monroe grabbing my hand. "Momma think happy".

I started crying just thinking about them being at that house. "Don't cry momma I just want you to be happy" Opal said.

"Mommy don't cry" I looked behind Opal and Monroe and saw Marlo and Jinx stood behind them.

"Were back do you don't have to cry now" Marlo spoke. Marlo hugged me and then the rest followed by hugging me as well.

"I am do glad you guys are back" I hugged them back. It felt nice to have my children in my arms again. It wasn't the first time I hugged them since they have been back, but I sure did feel like they had just got back. "It's late and I think we should all head to bed" I pulled from the hug and smiled at them.

"Can we watch tv for a little" Marlo asked.

"Oh yes momma can we watch a little tv" Jinx chimed in.

"Come on lets get back to bed" I smiled and walked them upstairs. The girls hoped in bed first and I followed after.

"Goodnight mommy" the girls said.

"Goodnight babies" I said back.

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