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Siren has brought out Lyssa completely. I have been out for blood since I knew my girls were gone. The worst part was, I don't know where they are. J and I both have had countless sleep less nights. Siren didn't leave any evidence of where she was or where she could have went. She was smart on multiple levels for that one, she knew what would happen if me or J got a hold of her.

I sat at J's desk trying to figure out where she could have went. Staring at the map made me anger. Not know where my daughters were made me even anger. I slammed my fists down on the desk causing it to crack it was glass after all. "We have to find them, J" I shouted.

"I know, Emerald" J sounded a little bit annoyed by me. "Me and you both have been searching for a month now" J said.

"You sound like you are tired of me" I lowered my voice for the shout I had earlier. "Do you want to give up?" I asked.

"No I don't want to give up, but I am tired of your shouting" J said.

"I don't even shout all the time" I spoke.

"Milo, you don't shout but Lyssa shouts and yells constantly. Your so angry and mad all the time I don't even think your angry just because Evelyn took the girks, your mad at me for even being with her while you were gone" J yelled.

"That's what you think. Your right I am mad at you maybe if you didn't even bring her around the girls might maybe still be here, and yes I am Lyssa, Milo is to sad to come out she is mourning the lost of our kids. You have to remember you have a girl with split personalities." I yelled. Milo was deep in mourning everything that has recently happened.

"I am Sorry that your rampage lead to you dying and coming back to life and the fact that you can't control your anger. You are a short tempered, sociopathic, murderous, little girl" J yelled sharper then I did.

"BACK AT YOU" I yelled louder. "Take back what you just said" I spoke low to calm myseft down, but J just ignore me.

"I have seen all sides of Milo, but this isn't thing I've seen. Lyssa is something beyond control" J shouted.

"Take it back" I raised my voice a little more.

"I could see why your mad at me, but you are constantly yelling and shouting at me and when you are so mad you see red nothing is stopping you that's why you were killed and it was really dumb. I don't even know who I'm talking to half the time" J shouted. He was just as angry at the fact that I constantly yelled. To him it was nothing but annoying and dumb.

"TAKE IT BACK" I yelled and slammed my fists down on the glass desk. The desk shattered underneath my hands. Shards of glass were in hands. I didn't feel a thing in my hands.

The room was silent. Not a sound came from either of us. We just stared at each other. We were probably both staring at someone we didn't recognize. J really expressed how much he didn't even know who he was talking to some times. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Kehlani say something.

"Sorry to interupt Boss lady, someone left this at the front door" Kehlani held out a small box. J took it from her since he was closer to him.

"Thank you Kehlani" I said and she walked out. J opened the box. The box had a flash drive in it.

"Its a flash drive" J said. I picked my laptop off the floor. There was blood on the keyboard from my hands. He past me the flash drive and I plug it into my laptops.

There was one video file called 'HAHAHA'. I clicked the file and a video popped up.

"It's been a month and you still haven't found me and the girls" Evelyn fake pouted. "How sad" she said. I heard the girls in the background crying. I was on the verge of tears hearing my daughters crying. "Well I'm going to be on top but not with out my baby Butch" Soon dude walked into the frame of the video.

"I heard you killed my brother Lyssa, I'm here to help my baby take over the city and avenge my brother" Butch smirked into the camera.

"Girls say hi to mommy and daddy" Evelyn turned the camera to the girls. She had then tied up to chairs and blindfolds over their eyes. When I saw the girls like that I was in tears. Tears were streaming down my face.

The laptop wasn't steady in my hands because they were shaking. J didn't even let the video finish before he snatched the flash drive out to laptop. I didn't even think about closing the computer before I let it slip out my hands.

I walked to the door of J's office and was about to walk out. "I-I'm gonna leave" I said, still crying, still shaking. My hands hadn't stop bleeding from early. Small shards of glass were in my hands. My clothes covered in my own blood mainly my shirt.

"I can't let you" J spoke sternly.

"W-why not. I haven't been nice to you for you to want me to stay" I turned to face him. J stepped closer to me.

"Your hands are still bleeding and your clothes are all bloody I can't let you go" J grabbed my hands and faced them to me. I really saw how much my hands were bleeding and how much glass was in my hands. "I'll help take the glass out".

J lead me upstairs to the bathroom and sat me on the edge of the tub. He walked out and came back shortly after with bandages, tweezers, rubbing alcohol, and cotton balls. J kneeled in front of me and told me to put my hands and I did. J began to take the glad out with the tweezers.

"J" I spoke weakly.

"Yes, Emerald" He looked up to me.

"I'm not myself" same tears spilled from my eyes.

I was truly insane.

I have only one thing to say who is Butch and where did he come from.

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