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I opened the black box in front of me. The box had a dark blue acid washed shirt ripped jeans and some Jordans. The outfit was cute I guess it was supposed my super suit. I let my hair down out of the bun that I had it for in. I moved the clothes out of the way and saw all of my beautiful knives that I owned. My cloak that they found me in was at the bottom of the box. I put my clothes on and put my knives on the inside of my cloak. I pulled the hoodie of my cloak over my head.

Everyone had super suits and we were heading to the plane we where riding. I was walking next to Harley.

"This is crazy" I said to Harley.

"This will be fun and you know" Harley nodged me lightly.

"Maybe a little" I giggled.

Everyone loaded onto the plane. Same Asian chick is all that n the plane.

"This is Katana she has my back she cut all of you with one sword stroke just like mowing the lawn" Rick said.

The plane started moving towards our destination. The only thing I could think of was my kids. All four of my babies and how much I miss them.

I stared down at one of my favorite knives that J got me on my birthday.

"Look at the pretty lights" Harley said like a kid in a candy store. I heard a loud boom and realize we were being shot at.

The plane crashed to the ground. Everyone was ok. That was a rush that I haven't had in a while.

"That was Fun" I shout as I got out the plane. Pulled my hood over my head as we walked ahead to a big ring of garbage. It was quite as we walked a few whispers here and there.

I got caught in a conversation with Slipknot and Captain boomerang. "The whole bomb in the head thing it's all in our heads mind games" Boomerang said. "Stick with me and we will get out of here" the plan didn't seem like it was gonna work.

Slipknot started by punch a soldier next to them. Boomerang did the same. As soon as Slipknot tried to get a way his head was blown off. "He is so done" I said.

"Killer app" Harley chuckled.

"That's what happens when you try to escape, so who's next is it you ,Deadshot" Rick said.

I can't wait to have fun.

This is terribly short

Smyle • The Smile of A Mad Man sequelWhere stories live. Discover now