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We walked in the house and it was pitch black dark inside.

"Why in hell are the lights off" J spoke. His voice echoed throw the downstairs of the house. Someone got the lights and the cite that was scene was graphic.

The bodies of the goons that were left at the house were on the floor dead. Blood was everywhere. Blood was splatter on the walls and was in puddles on the floor. Bullets and guns were all over the place. Not to mention the terrible smell.

"Kehlani, could you check and see if the bitch I mean Siren is still here in the basement and Frost could you go with her" They nodded and went to the basement. Me, J, and the goons moved around the room slowly. J kicked a few of them to see if they were alive.

I tried not to think of the worst case scenario. Kehlani and Jonny came back to the living room. They looked at each other then at me and J.

"Well" I said in the quietness. It said a little loud because if how quiet it was.

"They're not in the basement" Kehlani spoke up. I stepped back when I heard that.

I looked up the steps and ran up stairs. "Emerald" J called my name. I didn't turn to see if he was behind me or still at the bottom of the steps. The only thing I thought of was my girls.

The girls room door was cracked open. When I got to the door I pushed it open to see the room trashed and the girls no where to be seen. All of the worst things that could happen were the only things I can think of.

I was sobbing at this point calling J's name. I was on my knees trying not to face this reality.

"Sapphire what is it" J shouted from the end of the hall way. He had ran up the steps and down the hall way.
"It's the girls... She took them" I said in between cries. "That bitch took them" J looked up into their room and saw it was empty.

"I'm going to kill her" J kneeled in front of me and whispered.

"No, we're going to kill her, slowly" I looked J in the eyes. In J's eyes there was a flame of rage. Just in that second of rage there was a spark of sadness and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"We are going to get the girls back" J spoke and I pulled him into a hug.

A nice jump start to some good conflict if I do say so myself.

Smyle • The Smile of A Mad Man sequelWhere stories live. Discover now