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I don't know what time it was but it felt like it was around 12 in the afternoon. We have been sitting here for hours Harley has been in the corner doing something for the past hour.

"What ya been up to over there Harls?" I asked. Harley was in the corner sharpening the end of a tooth brush. "I know you didn't" I said.

"Yes I did how else are we going to get out of here" she smiled. Me and Harley heard a door close. There was a lady with a short curly afro, a white shirt and a red skirt and jacket. Harley got really close to the bars. "Are you the devil" Harley said.

"Maybe" the smirked. She was above us on some type of balcony.

"Are you letting us out of here" I spoke.

"No" he was still smirking.

That was the last thing she had said before walking out.

"What was that" I raised a brow.

"I don't know" Harley turned and looked at me.

"I have a feeling stuff will get crazy" I smiled.

*-* Next day

"I hated these orange jump suits" I pouted.

"With as much as you complain I would think you would have tried melting the bars"

"I tried three times actually" I threw a small ball of fire at the bars.

Guards started pooling in front of our cage.

Harley and I raised our hands in the air when we saw them.

"I'm cool this is me being cool" Harley said.

"Were cool" I spoke.

Harley still had her sharpened tooth brush I saw it peeking from out her sleeve.

The one of the guards opened the cage door and walked in two of them. I swiftly kicked the guard in his leg making him fall to the ground. Harley hoped on the guards shoulders and stabbed him in the neck.

"Don't you fire that weapon goddamn it" Briggs shouted. They didn't shoot us instead the shocked us.

We were in a calm enough state for them to strap us down to a wheelchair. They wheeled me down to a room with doctors.

"Don't touched" everyone ignored me. One of the doctors came close to my neck with gun insert some in me.

"I swear I'll have you dead if you-" I yelped bit being able to finish my sentence. They shot something in my neck. They wheeled me out of the room.

"Where are we going" I said. Once again ignored.

"Can I get a answer someone" I shouted.

Went out some double doors and we were outside the building. I felt so nice to be outside.

Belle reve. Beautiful dream my ass what a lie.

Briggs started walking next to me. "Mr.J coming to get you" he said trying to make it look like he wasn't talking to me. "Will you tell him how good I was to you" he spoke.

"I'll kill you myself when I get out" I laughed.

"What is that suppose to mean Lyssa" he called out. "Lyssa, Lyssa!" he shouted behind me. Briggs was stop by guards holding him from walking forward.

There were some other villains strapped down in the wheel chairs. Everyone was a familiar face. There was a lot of soldiers and military around us. 

They unbuckled us from the chairs. I stretched.

"Hi boys" Harley said in her normally happy tone. "Harley Quinn" she stuck her hand out for someone to shake it. No one did.

It was quite for a little before Harley started talking. "What was that, I should kill everyone and escape, I'm just kidding that's not what they really said" she said.

"Stop your scaring them Harls" I giggled.

"12 pounds of shit in a ten pound sack, welcome to the party Captain Boomerang" the soldier cut Boomerang out of the sack.

"Who is that guy anyway" I ask Harley.

"Rick Flag or something" she said.

When Boomerang was let out the bag he punched a soldier.

"Calm down"

"I was playing a game of mahjongg with me Nanna and this red streak m hits me"

"Shut up you were caught doing a diamond exchange" Rick said.

"I was not" Boomerang said.

"Here comes Slipknot the man that can climb anything" Slipknot stepped out the car.

"Have a good time scum bag" A woman said. Slipknot punch her in the face. I started laughing a little bit.

"What she had a mouth" Slipknot said.

"Listen up the injection in your necks is a manure explosive. It's the size of rice grain but it is as powerful as a hand grenade disobey me you die, try to escape you die, other wise irritate or vex me guess what you die" Rick said.

"Were know to be quiet vexing I'm just full warning you" Harley pointed to me and herself.

"Lady shut up" He shouted.

"This the deal. You're  going somewhere very bad to do something that'll get you killed, but until that happens you're my problem" Rick said the last part sarcastically.

"So was that like a pep talk" Deadshot spike plainly.

"Yeah that was a pep talk" Rick said."Grab what you need for a fight, we're wheels up in ten" 

"You might wanna work on your team motivation thing" Deadshot spoke. "You heard of Phil Jackson"


"He's the gold standard okay triangle, bitch study" Deadshot made a triangle with his hands.

I might be dead again.

I don't know why it took me so long to get this done. I'm terrible

Smyle • The Smile of A Mad Man sequelWhere stories live. Discover now