The attack

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Alex was worried about Luke and the others her best friend , Poe walked in he saw her he ran over and hugged her tightly. She hugged him back he kissed her neck softly.

Poe then said 'Luke and the others are back'
Alex replied 'thank you Poe '

Poe kissed her neck harder, Alex then pushed him off she kissed him and went to see Luke. Once he walked in he saw she was up and walking, he hugged her she hugged him back.

They were walking around the old woods when they saw Kylo Ren Alex told him to run Luke, ran Alex walked over to Ren she held her lightsaber but knew one way she may get him back. Alex walked over and held her hands out her saber on her belt Ren looked at her he had a plan.

Alex then said 'go ahead cuff me beat me do what ever you want just please remember I have always loved you'
Ren walked towards her and asked 'you know I have missed you Alex did you miss me?'
Alex answered tearfully 'all the time not a day went by when I didn't think of you so please Ben come back to us, come back to me'
Ren quickly spun her around and wrapped his arm around her neck and said 'I'm sorry Alex but I have to do my job'
Alex the begged 'Ben please I'm begging you stop this come back to me please Ben!'

Ren went quiet he dragged her back through the forest, they came to the base a few if the. Knights of Ren were standing behind, Ren they saw Luke and the others by the river about a twenty minutes walk for the base. The rebellion were moving bases they would have Luke distract them.

Ren didn't fall for it him and his men were leaving. As he dragged Alex he could hear crying once the shuttle landed, Ren dragged her aboard Alex used the force to call to Luke.

He only got 'it failed help he is taking me back to'
Luke sent to her 'stay calm and try and stall them'

Alex then escaped Ren's grip and backed off the shuttle, she still had tears rolling down her face Ren knew what she was doing two of the, knights of Ren grabbed her arms Ren saw Luke the men turned and fought them Ren held Alex around her waist.

Alex then yelled 'Axton!'
Axton saw them and yelled 'Ben let go of her!'
Ren held his saber to her neck and replied 'not happening'

Luke saw he and the others were outnumbered by 132 storm troopers. So they ran Alex had tears rolling down her cheeks.

Hux then Said 'pack the ships we're heading off!'
Ren had dragged Alex into the shuttle he then whispered 'I promise no one will hurt you Alex'
Alex then grunted 'let me go'
Ren said 'that can't happen'
Alex then said 'Ben please let go of me your mother still loves you'
Ren then snapped 'never ever mention my mother again or I swear to the gods above I will kill you'
Alex then said 'Ben please come back to the light Luke will forgive you just please let me go and come with us we'll come with me'
Hux walked in and said 'sure is a chatty little bitch isn't she Ren?'
Kylo replied 'she sure is you deal with her'

He tossed her over to Hux he caught her. Alex went to run when Ren stopped her with the force four troopers walked over and held her down on her knees. Ren walked over and stabbed his saber into her leg she screamed.

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