Coming back

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Athena woke up on the cold metal floor in a bedroom she looked around and started panicking she saw Poe across the room. When she tried to move she could feel rope around here wrists and ankles with duck tape over her mouth, Poe slowly started to get up. Athena tried to yell or say something but nothing happened it was all muffled Poe saw her and quickly crawled over he pulled the tape off and kissed her. She loved the way it felt , Poe started untying her he stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes. They were filled with tears he held her cheeks in his hands and then hugged her. They saw the door open and Kylo Ren walked into the room and sat down on the far side.

Poe ran at him and was frozen in place Poe then growled 'if you even think about touching her I will kill you'
Kylo lit his saber and asked 'when did you have any authority over me boy?'
Athena was still crying she then said while crying 'Ben please come home I want you to come home please'
Kylo walked over to Athena without his saber and kneeled down and asked 'why do you keep trying? It'll only get you killed'
Athena snapped back 'because I want my brother back not Kylo Ren my brother Ben Solo'
Poe could now move he ran over to them and shoved Ben away Poe then asked her 'hey are you okay did he hurt you at all?'
Athena replied 'no'

Kylo stood up with his saber back in his hands. Athena was worried for Poe but all Kylo did was start to use the force to chock him Athena felt her heartbreak into a million pieces.

She then yelled 'Ben stop!'
Kylo turned to her and snapped 'I'll let him go on one condition'
Athena asked 'what do you want?'
Kylo answered 'why is this pilot so important to you?'
Athena said 'he's my, my boy, boyfriend now please let him go'

Ren dropped him. Athena got up and ran over to him he hugged her tightly Kylo looked at them he once had that with Alex. Kylo got a little pissed off at this and used the force to shove them, away from one another Poe went to the left wall and Athena was pulled over to him. He held onto the back of her shirt as she tried to escape.

Poe saw her and yelled 'Athena, Ben let her go now!'
Kylo lit his saber and held it to her neck and said calmly 'if you even take one more step or call me by that name I'll kill her'
Athena then snapped 'let go of me!'

Poe saw he was distracted he got his, gun out and shot at Kylo he froze the shot and lifted Athena to her feet he shoved her over onto the bed. Athena saw Kylo walk over to Poe she had to to something, she saw a small knife on the bedside table she went to grab it until she felt two long chains that went around her chest.

Kylo lifted Poe up and slammed him into the wall Athena then begged  'please Ben lent him to please I'll do anything'
Poe kicked him in the gut and ran over to her he kissed her and started to get the chains off Poe then whispered 'if we make him pissed of we may be able to escape but it may mean you know'
Athena then whispered back 'Poe we're not doing that for a long time got it just kiss me'

Once she was untied he kissed her again. Athena wrapped her arms around his neck he broke the kiss they both laughed at one another and she started kissing him. As the beloved this mad Ren  very mad he tossed Poe across the room. Athena back up on the bed she saw the door was open they both ran before, Ren could think Athena saw Hux was in the doorway  Poe shoved him. They both ran through they saw their ships and parted ways.

As they left Ren felt a bit of sadness he finally had his little sister with him and just like that she was gone he hated when she did that. Athena and Poe both got back they didn't know that the first order had a camera on Poe's ship. She ran over and hugged him Leaia and the others saw them and walked over Athena saw her mother was better.

Leaia hugged her and said 'oh Athena I thought I had lost you'
Athena replied tearfully 'mom I will never leave you sorry I did this time but I had to get uncle Luke back has he seen you'
They could hear the boys conversation.
Finn said 'Poe thank god your safe also what were you thinking?'
Poe looked over at Rey & Athena & Leaia and replied 'because I had to save my girl'
Chewie growled and Poe said 'yes Chewie Athena is my girlfriend'

They all went inside when Athena saw Luke she hugged him tightly he hugged her back. He loved her very much and was glad she was safe he got her, to turn around when he heard her whimper as Leo touched her back. They saw the huge cuts down her back it looked as if she had been hit with a nine tailed whip.

Poe looked her in the eye and asked shocked 'oh my god Athena what did he do?'
Athena took a deep breath and replied 'well before you came he want to know where Luke was but I wouldn't tell him or let him into my head so he had me slapped ten times with the nine tails'
Leaia hugged her daughter not touching the cuts in her back and said 'honey I love that you tried to keep him safe but if he did this to you then you may need to stay away from him just for a bit'
Athena replied 'okay mom'

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