I can't

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Poe walked down the hall he saw Sabine sitting down with BB-8 Poe kneeled beside her Sabine turned to him.

Poe then asked 'hey Sabine I know this is a bit odd but would you I don't know go on a date with me?'
Sabine looked at him and answered 'that would be amazing to date the best pilot in the resistance'
Alex walked in and saw how happy he was she then asked 'So Sabine who is your father?'
Sabine replied 'well my father is Kylo Ren I guess that is why I have never had any friends'
Rey and Finn walked in and said 'don't worry we're all friends here'

They soon landed on the rebel base they all walked out they saw Leaia and Luke standing . Near the ship when Poe told the story  Luke walked over to her and saw her necklace it was a golden snow flake. When Luke saw it he grabbed Poe's left wrists the snowflakes were the same. What the hell Alex looked at them she was confused.

Alex then asked 'Sabine where did you get this?'
Sabine replied 'well I got it from Kylo he said it was my mothers'
Poe's father walked out and saw it he then asked 'why does she have my wife's necklace?'
Poe replied 'she was told it was her mothers how do you know it was Mom's it could be one like it'
Poe's father then snapped 'because see that small chip in it? That was the same one as your mothers when she was fighting Kylo Ren'
Luke then said 'well this may have been a gift okay so don't do anything stupid'
Sabine took the necklace off and handed it to him a spoke softly 'sorry you can have it back it if you want'

He took it and looked at it he missed his wife very much he had heard story's from his wife that. Kylo did do unspeakable things to her over the 12 months he had her in prison. And that was what made him snap he grabbed Sabine around the neck and slammed her into the ground Alex went to his side and tried to pull him off, Poe helped  Luke grabbed Sabine and got her free of his grip.

Poe's father tried to run at her again he yelled 'she is the daughter to the Devil!'
Luke stood in front of her and said 'listen Kane she is under my protection plus she did bring your son back home'
Poe then yelled 'Dad it's not worth it!'
Leaia stepped in and said 'look Kane calm down she is my granddaughter she is under the protection of Luke,Alex,me and Poe'
Kane shoved the two teens off and snapped 'you have just made a deal with a devil General'

Kane walked off Alex and Poe both walked over to Sabine and watched as he walked off. They looked at Sabine and hugged her they knew Kane of all people was mean.

Leaia then said 'Poe I want you to stay with both Alex Harry and Sabine not your father okay'
Poe replied 'yes general'
Alex wrapped her arm around Sabine's shoulder and said 'come on let's get you inside'

The others walked  off to leave Luke and Leaia alone they walked up to the private wing for the general, Luke and his padawns or royal guests. Just as they were walking up the steps Kane called Poe over. Poe walked over and Alex took Sabine upstairs.

Kane then said 'son make sure that girl dies got it?'
Poe then snapped 'no I love her she is my girlfriend now and I will protect her'
Kane then yelled 'you stupid boy that girl is a demon I tell you now Mae sure you kill her!'
Poe snapped 'what do you mean she has done nothing to you but be nice to just take a look at things first I have a job to do'

Poe walked off he heard his father yelling for him to get his ass back down but her just left. When he got upstairs he saw Alex making sure Sabine was okay Poe walked over and hugged her tightly.

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