Get him back

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Axton entered Alex's room and saw her sitting in her bed. Axton walked over and wrapped his arms around her, she cried into his chest Axton tried to soothe her Alex felt sadness because she was worried had she lost her friend.

Axton then whispered 'hey, hey it's okay just breath'
Alex cried 'Axton please help me get Ben back his mother asked us to'
Poe walked in and said 'Axton Luke needs you'
Axton walked out and Poe sat beside her and hugged her Alex whispered 'Poe please help me get Ben back please'
Poe stroked her hair and said 'Alex stardust I promise I will help you but for now you just have to wait get some rest'

Alex slowly started to calm down and fall asleep. Poe laid her down and kissed her forehead after tucking her in, Axton and Luke had been talking for hours about what to do.

Ron then said 'master Luke we just got a message for the resistance their in trouble'
Luke asked 'what kind of trouble?'
Ron answered 'the first order has made it very clear that he wants to find you and is killing hundreds of innocent people until you turn yourself in'
Axton then asked 'master please tell me your not going to do this we can stop them with your help not without you'
Luke then said 'Axton you need to keep the others safe if Ben wants to fight me then so be it'
Alex walked out and said 'Luke'

The whole ship the jolted forward Alex hit her  head on the side of a box Poe lifted her up and told her to hide.

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