I miss him

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Alex sat in the cold and quite room she was very curious on what the things Kylo was doing last time he built a huge weapon that could destroy a whole system. So she decided to meditate meanwhile.

Kylo was helping the the design on the new super weapon this was made to destroy all life and even a whole universe if needed he knew Alex would flip if she knew. But she has no idea this was even being talked about.

Meanwhile back at the rebel base Poe was hanging out with this girl her name was Maze. She had long black hair and she wore white she was a lovely kind girl or so she seemed Poe was in the base with well every one he saw Maze walk out he decided to follow her she was at the falcon he wondered why. He tapped her shoulder Finn, Rey, Luke and Axton walked over. Poe hugged her she was a bit confused she never felt love she got his gun and spun him around the others held their hands up Finn went to run off.

Maze then snapped 'if anyone moves your pilot dies'
Axton then asked 'what do you want Maze?'
Maze laughed 'let's talk about this on my new ship'
They stayed still Maze shot Poe in the foot he went to scream she held his hand over his mouth and said 'get on board now or the next one will destroy him'

They all walked on board she tossed them all a set of cuffs they placed them on.

Maze then broke Poe's other leg and cuffed him.

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