The choice

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A small team was set up to go and take down the base or get on the inside that team would be known as Rouge one like the old group the people in it were.
Sabine, Alex, Poe, Finn, Rey and Chewie they would be the leaders of this mission Alex was told to work on greeting. Kylo back she was worried what if he killed her but she did say she would do anything even if it kills her.

As they set a course for the base Alex was getting ready as in getting into an outfit that she could move in and making, sure she had her gear she wore   torn black jeans and a black shirt she knew it may help her. They landed Poe and the others went to the core while Alex went to find Kylo she was so worried.

After an hour she came to a small clearing she sat down and started to meditate until she heard the hiss of a saber and footsteps in the snow she stood up and spun around to see Kylo.

Alex took a breath she lit her saber and said 'Ben please don't make me do this'
Kylo Ren replied 'look Alex if you don't want to fight me then just put down the saber and come here'

He used the force to hold her still and walked over Alex got free and started to fight him she got him in the leg and right arm. Kylo the used the force to toss her saber across the snow and into a small pile of snow. He saw the fear and terror on Alex's face he pushed her into a tree he held his saber above her head. Alex placed her hand on his arm and was pushing it back he then used his free arm to hold her arm and pull it down. After she had given up she felt the heat of the blade come down to her neck she waited for. Ben to strike her down his hands were trembling . So he never did the heat disappeared and she felt the warm lips of Kylo press against hers. He held her arms to the trunk of the tree it was that wide.

After a minute Alex kissed him back he let go of her hands and she started to run them through his hair. Kylo however held the back of her neck and held her closer, after what felt like forever he pulled away Alex was torn he hated her she knew he did so why did he kiss her? She looked into his eyes and saw the old him she smiled.

Kylo then said while holding her to the tree 'Alex please come back with me I need you'
Alex held his face in her hands and replied 'Ben I don't know this is all to much'
Ben was annoyed her hugged her tightly and asked 'did you really mean what you said so long ago?'
Alex answered 'Ben what do you mean?'
Ben looked into her deep blue eyes and said while on the verge of crying 'a while ago when I captured you in the forest you said not a day when by when you didn't think of us'
Alex looked into his brown eyes and said tearfully 'I never stopped think of you and everything I have ever said is true'

Kylo had missed her so much he just wanted his one true love back. He kissed her again but more force was involved.

Ben then moaned 'Oh god, Alex I could take you right her right now'
Alex just wanted the feel kiss against her lips Kylo then whispered 'now Alex can you make a choice come with me and we can live together and never be apart or. Go back to my mother and we will be enemies forever until the day one of us dies'
Alex saw he pulled away she then replied Ben I-'

She was cut of by the voice of Poe and Finn Poe saw her saber about a meter away.

He was ready to pull the trigger he yelled 'Alex come on!'
Alex whispered to Ben she then said 'look Poe I need to tell you something'
Poe asked 'okay Alex tell me when we're on the falcon'
Alex then said 'Poe I'm staying here'

She walked over to Poe and gave him one last hug
She then whispered 'tell Leaia I will bring her son home I just need time'
Poe whispered back two words 'Be safe'

The others ran off when the turned to get one last look  they saw Kylo on her left side just behind her. Alex felt bald she was with her true love she did love Poe but being with Ben was so much better.

Kylo then wrapped his arms around her waist she placed her right hand on his right cheek and her head rested on his shoulder as he kissed her neck. Alex enjoyed his lips in her neck Kylo sniffed her neck god she was amazing and still loved him.

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