He's back

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Jewels came back to consciousness she found herself to be tied down her hands behind her back and. Tape over her mouth she saw someone sitting in the corner on a wooden chair they were sharpening something. She tried to call out but it came out muffled the person stood up and came into the small amount of light from the door it was Zayn he pulled the tape off her mouth Jewels then looked him in the eye.

She then asked 'Zayn why are you doing this?'
He replied 'because I know your Luke's lost daughter well found daughter now'
Jewels then snapped 'you complete ass hole let got of me right now!'

Two men then dragged a girl with long brown hair she had torn clothing. She was one Luke's favourite student and Ben's girlfriend she would be able to help get him back. The girl was pulling against the two men, Zayn lit a red saber oh boy we are so dead.

Zayn then said 'ah Kaze your back miss me I sure missed you'
Kaze then snapped 'go fuck yourself Zayn'
The two men let go of her arms and left Kaze fell to the floor Zayn kicked her in the stomach and laughed 'my god Kaze I see why Ben likes you so much well he will be so happy when he sees both of you'
Kaze and Jewels snapped 'oh my god Zayn what the fuck!'

They were both left in the room Kaze made her way over and untied her Jewels hugged her tightly they were so glad to see one another.
After a few hours they knew they were there mainly because they were told when Kaze and Jewels were dragged out Kylo saw Kaze and grabbed her arm then chin Kaze was scared of him. When they got to his quarters he took the mask off when Kaze saw him she felt confused, worried and overjoyed he hugged her she hugged him. He then pushed her to the wall, she held his face in her hands he pushed forwards and joined their lips Kaze was a little panicked.

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