The fight

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Jan knew Ben very well she could call but had a sick feeling in her gut that she would fail. She went to her room and called him over her holo pad he answered her for once. She was glade to hear from him she saw Jade in the background.

Kylo spoke in his deep voice 'now Jan tell Alex to come to me or I will kill her'
Jan then said 'Ben please listen to me you have to come back your family miss you, we miss you'
Ren was silent he slowly walked over to Jade he lit his saber and stabbed it through her chest Jan then screamed 'Ben you ass hole your a cruel heartless monster how could you!'
Kylo then said calmly 'it my job and soon all of you will suffer the same fate unless I get Luke, Alex and my annoying little sister Athena to come to me alone'

Ben then. Hung up Jan felt like she was the cause of Jade's death she walked back out and told the others, Jake then pinned her to the wall his sister was gone. They then got a call from a girl, she had a long brown clock she had a saber on her belt she was still young about 16 she wished she could help her uncle.

She was dating Poe he was with them she wanted to see him so badly.

Poe then said 'look Athena you have to stay with your mother she needs you'
Athena then said 'she has Leo plus she said to me to go find Luke so that's what I'm going to do I'm coming to get you'

Then the call ended they were all worried.

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