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Athena went to her room she kicked her old box across the room and put her hard against the wall and was crying. She missed her older brother the one who use to be around when she needed him. She was trying to calm down when she felt a presence she hadn't felt since she was very young, she turned to see Anakin as a force ghost the good side to him.

She then said 'Anakin what are you doing here?'
He replied 'I came to warn both you and Luke but you must tell him that the dark side of me is back and he will stop at nothing to have you'
Athena the exclaimed 'what why me?'
Anakin answered 'because Ben is still good'

Then he left Athena sobbed on her knees Luke ran in after he got the message he hugged her tightly. He should tell her that she is really his kid and her name was not always Athena. But how could he tell her something like that it would crush her.

Luke then said 'Athena listen you know how your Leaia said that you were different?'
Athena replied 'yeah'
Luke took a deep breath and said 'well the photographs of me and a little girl named Jewels that is you my dear you are my daughter I know it sounds impossible but it's true'
Athena well Jewels replied 'Luke I've always known'

They gave a good laugh how fun Leo then ran in he shot Luke with a stun shot and grabbed Jewels by her hair. Jewels was screaming out for help and found that nothing was working she saw the first order was at the base but how. She then saw the one person she didn't want to see not for a while at least Kylo Ren.

Kylo turned and saw her he had Leo let go of her hair and he gripped her left arm and placed. Cuffs on her wrists behind her back but before he could Jewels used the force she then ran seven or eight troopers ran after her. She hid below a small bit of land that was like a small cliff.

She heard on of the men say 'sir we lost her'
She heard Hux snap 'you fouls find her and bring her to me personally'
Another piped up and said 'but Kylo Ren said to take her to him'

The whole place went silent she tried to use the force but nothing worked it was like she was being blocked or something. She looked around and saw nothing she took a breath of relief she saw a man dressed in green armour, he had four other men behind him. Great she thought her ex boyfriend Zayn of all the times he could show up.

He walked over with a small rag with a knock out substance on it she passed out he lifted her up bridal style.

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