Finding help

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Alex was hidden very well in the hallway behind a box Poe kissed her and left. After a few minutes. Alex could hear nothing but, guns and screams she covered her ears then saw, Ben come down the hall he pinned her to the wall and kissed her neck Poe shot him Ren froze the shot and Poe in a split second.

Ren the whispered 'now my dear tell me why would you go and date another man?'
Alex replied 'Ben please I have always loved you but I just had to find someone to help and he did so yeah'
Ren gripped her neck and said 'tell me who or I kill the pilot'
Poe then yelled 'get away from my girl!'
Ren turned to face him and said 'well this makes things easy'
They then heard a voice yell 'Ben stop!'

They all turned and saw a girl dressed in a leggings a top and brown coat like Jyn her grandmothers best friend . Kylo turned and looked into her eyes her long brown hair fell over her shoulders.

Kylo then asked 'who are you ?'
The girl replied 'my name is Jade'

Ren walked over to her and grabbed her left arm and pinned her to the wall. She looked into his eyes with no fear what so ever, this made both Kylo and the others nervous she had no fear she then kicked Ben when the sun don't shine. Poe was freed for the force held he helped Alex get up, they got to the door to Jade's ship she was right behind them her brother Kyle was in the hall.  Same with her step brother Jake, She felt someone grab her left arm she was yanked backwards into their chest.

Jade then yelled 'guys go!'
Kyle saw Jake's face and yelled 'Jade I can't leave you!'
She yelled back 'you have to please get them to safety!'
Jake closed the door as it closed Kyle said 'be safe'

Once the door was closed Kylo shoved Jade to the floor. She grunted and went to hit him but sadly failed Ren then tied her wrists together he dragged her to the cockpit. Jade tried to stop but he was to strong he pinned her to the wall, Jade was trying to escape his hold.

Kylo then whispered 'stop struggling'
Jade snapped 'let go of me!'
Kylo grabbed the gun from her belt and held it to her back and said 'now my dear tell me what do you think I should do?'
Jade replied 'umm let me go so I don't have a hard metal wall trying to kill me'

Ren then pinned her to the floor once the ship was docked four storm troopers walked in they grabbed Jade and dragged her off.

Back on the ship Alex and Axton were thinking of a plan to save this Jade girl. Jake and Kyle were worried sick about her, Kyle had a girlfriend named Jan she was one of Luke's old friends.

Luke's Padawns Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ