The Door Part 1

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Isabella's P.O.V

I ran as fast as I could,my vision still blurry.I could hear laugher behind me."Run,run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man,"the voice sang.It was a blessing that I haven't ran into any walls.
"Why are you running away?"the voice asked.I shivered,I was after all wearing a tank top and some shorts."Are you-"The voice said as I could feel its breath on my neck."Afraid,"the voice said taunting me. "The question is why aren't you afraid,"I asked trying to trick the monster.

"Why would I,your the one that's running,"the voice said chuckling.
I stopped running,I turned around to where I believed the monster to be,"Now listen,"I said putting my hands on my hips,"I am here and I want to go to my friends!"
Silence filled the room.I still couldn't see very well,but what I could see there was a shape a little taller than me."Who said you have friends,"the voice asked slyly."My friends,"I retorted at him."And put on some lights,even the underworld has better lighting than this,"I said pointing at the darkness that surrounded us."How dare you insult my lighting arrangement,"He yelled.My heart was thumping.My mortal instincts told me to run like there is no other way.My demigod instincts told me to fight for my life.

I still couldn't see anything that was 1 inch away from my face.My head started hurting randomly,I could hear laughs,then everything faded away.......

*Flash Back*

"Nick what do you want,"I asked as we got out of his car."Maybe V-pizza,"he said as he opened the door to the small piazza parlor.I smiled and walked into the restaurant.You could smell the crust cooking in the giant oven in the corner.Nick lead me to a small booth near the oven.Today Nick passed his driving test,so we decided to eat out for the night.I say down and started looking at the menu.Nate sat across from me,his green eyes roaming the menu.I will tell you the first thing you notice about him,he is probably the cutest,nicest guy you could ever meet.The problem is he is gay so it's not like I could date him or anything.....Me and Nate have been best friends since 3rd grade.He is one year older than me,but he was held back a year.

A perky waitress walked over,you could tell she was checking Nick out,"Hi my name is Kelli and I will be your waitress for today!"Nick smirked,"Hello Kelli."She smiled,"Can I start you off with some drinks?"

Nate nodded,"I will have Water,she will have the same,"he said pointing at me.Apparently I was now know as "she."I rolled my eyes.

"I will be back in a sec,"she said as she went to get our drinks.
"So,"I asked Nate.
"The answer is no,"Nate said as he blew his brown hair away from his eyes.
"Please,"I said making my best puppy dog face,"please!"
"Only this once,"Nate said sighing.
I smiled,"so did you study for our big test tomorrow,"I asked.
"No,but I'm guessing you did,"he said as he pointed to my bulging book bag.
I blushed slightly."don't offend,Ally the Aldabra book,"I said as I hugged my back pack.
Nate chuckled a little bit.I smiled,making someone smile is one of the best feelings.Kelli came back with our drinks interrupting our smiling moment.She set our drinks down calmly as if the world might explode if she didn't.She stood up starring at me."You okay,"I said as I took a sip of my drink.The next second went in slow motion.Kelli grew huge leathery wings that looked like a bats.She looked as old as time,she opened her jaw.Her jaw was opened larger than it should have,her teeth where long from just looking I would guess 239 teeth.Nate froze.I stopped sipping my water my eyes wide.

"What are you,"I asked quickly trying to get farther away from her.She hissed and grabbed Nate's neck squashing him against the chair."Get off him,"I said as I grabbed the dull knife that was sitting next to the salt and pepper.She laughed,or hissed it was very hard to tell.

"Look Demigod,don't play stupid with me,"She said her eyes glaring at me,I could tell that her grip on Nate tightened.He started sputtering trying get free."Demigod,"I asked worriedly as I looked at Nate feeling helpless.Kelli hissed hysterically,"No wonder your so puny!"I looked around the pizza shop,everyone was eating laughing as if nothing was going on."Help,"I yelled as I grabbed Nate's silverware.She laughed easily.
"I'll make you a deal,I will let your friend here go,if you stay here,"she said threateningly.
"Why would you do this if you can have both of us,"I asked getting ready to hurt the bat lady if needed."Mortals don't taste good,times up,"she said as she tighten her grip.I could hear a snap.Nate turned into golden powder.

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