Chapter 15

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Minghao turned around. The guy stared at Minghao. He was wearing all black with a hood on.

He was also holding a sharp sword.

'is this the..gate keeper?'

"Stand up" the guy said making Minghao quickly stand up.

The guy stared at Minghao before smiling.

"Hello my name is Mingyu." he said.

(and today is my burthday ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )


"I finally got company!" Mingyu cheerfully said.

"How come?" Minghao asked out of curiosity.

"Everyone is scared of me. Cause of what I do, how I look and how tall I am." Mingyu sadly said.

"Aren't you dangerous? Everyone said you were."

"No I'm not dangerous! Who told you that? I may be the gatekeeper and I protect it but it's only for those who is from wonderland. Not those who fell in it." Mingyu pouted.

"My grandpa used to be really strict not me. He didn't allow both from wonderland and those like you to get out. Maybe they thought it was still my grandpa as we hide our face under the hood." Mingyu added.

Minghao nodded.

"Anyway do you want some tea? You can stay in my cottage if you like." Mingyu said.

"Yes please and thank you." Minghao smiled.

They walked to Mingyu's cottage. It was small but comfy. Mingyu poured some tea and gave it to Minghao.

"So," Mingyu started.

"You want to get out of wonderland?" Minghao nodded.

"Yes but I also want to come back here."

"Well that can happen. I'll help you with the gate to get out of wonderland for you tomorrow?" Mingyu said.

"Sure. Thanks Mingyu." Minghao said with a smile.

"You can stay overnight here, I have an extra bed so you can sleep on it."

"If you don't mind then yeah. Thank you"

"I'll get the bed ready." Mingyu said getting up.

Minghao looked around and saw many pictures and frames. Minghao realised he never did see how Mingyu looked like.

He decided not to ask yet as it could be very personal since his grandfather had to cover up too.

Mingyu told Minghao the bed was done and Minghao changed into some pyjamas Mingyu gave him.

Minghao and Mingyu bid each other good night before going to sleep.

The next day, Minghao woke up and walked out and looked around to find Mingyu.

He saw note on the table, telling him that Mingyu had went into town to buy some groceries.

'how can he even go into town like that?'

Minghao decided to wait for Mingyu. He walked outside to Mingyu's garden.

He took a watering can and filled it up with water.

'might as well help Mingyu water his plants'

He watered the plants before looking around more.

He observed everything. From the plants to the snails that were on the leaves.

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