32. That's It

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 Hey everybody! Long time, no... type, huh? Sorry it took so long, I'm in college actively probably failing as a whole, and I've had like 0 time to write. Seriously, the last thing I wrote was that little paragraph when I put out that Birdie will be the one with the 4 updates, but it's really nothing I can help, and I've learned that If I have time for extra shit while I'm in school, I probably missing an assignment from some hoe ass professor (Insert eye roll) I've been really really wanting to write though, and I get these weird as fuck, fucked up ass dreams when I don't write, and Y'ALL, I barely even remember my dreams half the time, but sheesh -___-  Finals are in like 3-4 weeks, so I can't promise an update in the very, very near future. I have a history paper due tomorrow online that I haven't even looked at. I've got a philosophy paper due soon, and about 15 math assignments, seriously. So if i get in another update, word, if not, I'm busy trying to have a future and I have to sometimes have priorities lmao. BUT there is a glitch in my motherboard on this new laptop i got last year (HP SUCKS ASS AND PENIS)  so it only charges when it's closed so there's that which I have to work around. *sighs* 

How have you guys been? What have y'all been up to?  

 ALSO WHO LISTENS TO H.E.R BC I LOVE HER and if you like poetry, Check out I Love  My Love  by Reyna Biddy and Forgive Me, My Salt.  Can't remember the author but they're both gr8 and if you like philosophy , Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance  Is the best. K BYE LOVE U 


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 She was so fucking adorable, and not even sometimes.

She was adorable when she slept, when she was smiling, when she wasn't, when she was pissed off, when she was concentrating.

Chance had the most beautiful, most adorable woman on this earth, and he refused to believe anything else, and no one would ever be able to tell him anything else.

They were at the movie theater. Carmen had begged him to go see this stupid ass cartoon about God knows what, and just as she knew, Chance could never tell his baby no. So here he was, sitting in the dark, admiring this beautiful woman he had been blessed with.

She had pulled up the arm rests separating their seats, and then she'd wiggled over until she was flush against him. Chance had wrapped his left arm around her shoulder. Without taking her eyes off the large screen, Carmen had reached up, and took his hand in her cooler, smaller one. A smile graced his lips when she balled his hand into a fist, and pressed her lips to his knuckles, warm breath washing over his skin like the tides. She didn't move, either. The first half hour of the movie, Carmen stayed in that same position. Chance knew she was going to fall asleep before she probably did, because she flipped his hand over, and was rubbing the bed of Chance's thumb nail up and down the bridge of her nose. She only did that when she was getting tired, be it with her own hand or his. Hell, when the two were still on speaking terms, Chance had watched Carmen do the same thing with Wes.

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