Chapter 9

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Sorry I didn't publish in a while. I've been busy doing stuff. But I hope you like this new chapter I just made! ;) :) =D

“Ice make, Geizer!" yelled Gray, as a mountain of more jagged ice struck Bacchus into the air. Bacchus went flying, but then punched Gray again with his speed attacks. “Woah! I gotta admit, you caught me off guard there,but I could see the 'gotcha' look in your eyes, so I knew something was up." said Bacchus with the tone like he knew what was going on. Gray growled. "I'll show you! Ice make, Canon!" A blast of ice came flying out of a canon that magically appeared. But there was a pause at the beginning since he still had to make the actual canon, so Bacchus had time to get out of the way. “Slow, very slow." said Bacchus with a teasing tone. Gray made an angry face at him, but Bacchus just growled back. Gray made a fist and tried to punch Bacchus, but his speed attacks were no match for Gray. “What're you doing Gray?" asked Bacchus. “You know you can't punch me, my speed is too fast for you!"
Gray's POV:

'That may be,' Gray thought, 'but I've dealt with speed before when I went against Racer with Lyon.'

End of POV

Bacchus leapt up again for his speed tactic. But this time, Gray just stood there. All of us in the balcony were like, “Gray, move!" Bacchus hit him but he turned into ice and fell apart. We stepped back and realized what he did, he made an ice decoy. Gray showed up behind home and knocked him down. Most of the crowd went, 'Yeah!' while we said, 'Go Gray!' “That was a good move my opponent, but you gotta do better than that!" said Bacchus. “Fine, what do you have in mind?" asked Gray. Bacchus thought for a moment then he gave a face like he made an excellent plan. “How about some good old-fashioned hand-to-hand combat?" “Alright then, let's do it."

Both Gray and Bacchus took off at the same time and got their hands ready. Gray tried to punch Bacchus in the nose but he dodged it. Then, Bacchus opened his hands so that they weren't fists anymore and pushed Gray with immense power. He made Gray go across half of the arena. All of us stood up out if our seats amazed at what Bacchus did. “How'd he do that?!" Lucy said shocked. “Bacchus has something called 'Palm attacks'." said Erza. “What's that?" I asked curiously. “They're special attacks where an opponent, which is Bacchus, can push and manage to throw their opponent, Gray, across the battle field." “That's very impressive." Lucy said amazed. Gray got up and was about to make another ice formation but couldn't because Bacchus ran towards Gray to do another one of his 'Palm attacks'. Only this time, he missed because it was an ice fake. Gray ended up behind him and kicked Bacchus in the back making him roll on the ground. Gray found that as an opportunity to hit him with his ice-make magic. “Ice-make lance!" A bunch of arrows shot through the sky and hit the area where Bacchus was. Again, he rolled across the ground leaving behind a trail of dust. I gotta admit, Gray's magic is awesome, I thought. For Gray's next attack, he made even more ice fakes around Bacchus, including himself, and made them all do 'ice-make fist'! The ground fell in with Bacchus in the hole. The battle was over.

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