Chapter 14

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Erza had her sword in hand, ready to fight, the monster roared ready to attack. Erza ran up to it and the monster ran up to Erza, they both exchanged a bash and Erza's armor on her left shoulder broke while the dinosaur was left untouched. Erza almost fell as the monster turned around to finish her.

Erza then jumped up really fast and disappeared before the monster could make its move. The whole crowd and the guilds were trying to figure out what had just happened. Then, out of no where, Erza slashed at the huge monster right across its whole entire back with her flight armor. Everyone clapped and cheered for her as the monster fell. Erza took a bow being proud and relieved that it was over.

But it turns out everybody celebrated too early. The monster got up while Erza was off guard and then striked at her with his tail. Erza yelled in pain and didn't get up for like about five minutes. I was just surprised that Jellal wasn't here with us watching this, but giving the circumstances, he probably is watching but just in the crowd. Erza finally got up after a long while. Seeing this, the monster charged, nothing different. Erza then transformed into something else, only one problem though...

She wasn't wearing any armor! Just normal clothes! But that wasn't it, she pulled out the largest sword I've ever seen in my entire life out of thin air! Erza didn't even turn around at all, she just stood there motionless, not even thinking about what to do next. But we all apparently thought and spoke too soon, she held her sword high, monster almost in corner eye view, and slashed at it with all her might.

The monster vanished out of sight after Erza screamed really loud when she hit the huge thing. She collapsed to the ground and everyone whispered and cheered some more. Medics fled to Erza's aid. Good thing it wasn't anything serious, she just overheated herself. When the whole guild left Erza be in the infirmary, I could of sworn I saw a shadowy figure come out from the wall and follow the stretcher with the doctors silently.

When I saw this, I knew right then and there I had to investagate this plot which, you never know, could be a crime. I followed them for a very long time till I snuck in threw the door to Erza's room before it closed. I surprisingly saw the shadowy figure as well, standing next to Erza's bed. I was just about to tackle this guy when Erza said, “(Y/n)! I'm so glad you're here, I want you to meet Jellal." I stopped myself so fast that I almost knocked over the tray sitting on the cart.

“Ah yes, (Y/n), we have met." said Jellal as he turned around taking off his mask, revealing his wavy blue hair and handsome face. “We have?" I asked, until I realized who it was. “Oh right, we have! How have you been?" I've never been so embarrassed in my whole life. “I'm doing fine, you?" “Good good, just good, I mean great I mean, yeah, great." “Glad to hear it." There was a long awkward silence until Erza asked, “(Y/n)? Is it ok if you can leave? Me and Jellal have to talk about personal matters."

I looked at her surprised and hurt when she said all that. “Not that I don't trust you or anything, it's nothing personal, uh." Yet it's a personal matter, yeah, I understand completely! I thought in anger. “Uh, sure, I'll go." I said trying not to sound sad or mad. “Thank you (Y/n), when we're done, I'll have Jellal cone get you later." said Erza. I said nothing else in return, just a nod. I didn't end up closing the door so i filmed in the conversation Jellal and Erza were about to have.

*Time skip*

It wasn't a long conversation, just that they talked about how Erza is pushing herself too hard and Jellal is taking a very risky task pretending to be someone he's not, AKA Mystogan. They then laughed together because they realized what ridiculous tasks they have taken. I was then called back and Jellal left the room, leaving us alone. I had some really important stuff to get off my chest. I only wanted Erza to hear because I think she's a really cool person.

I took a deep breath and started to babble non-stop, “I just think you're really really cool and I just want you to take me under your wing so you could become like my big sister or something, and I know I'm young it's just that I think you're a sweet person and we like a lot of the same stuff like cake and memories and all that and and uh, well, um--"I couldn't finish what I was saying, mostly because I started crying and Erza put her finger to my mouth making me be quiet.

“You can stop now honey, you talk too much." Erza laughed. “S-Sorry, I just wanted all of these things to happen and well, *sigh* I guess you know the rest." “You just someone to take you under their wing huh?" asked Erza. “Y-Yeah." I responded. “Sure. I'm up for something like that." I sniffed and then said, “R-Really?" “Yeah, as long nothing else comes up."

“Oh my gosh, this is so amazing! Thank you thank you thank you!" I hugged Erza tightly. “Your welcome sweetheart, now run along so that you won't miss the rest of the games." “Ok!" I said happily as I ran out of the room, bolted down the corridor, and onto the balcony.

“Where were you (Y/n)?" asked Lissana. “Oh, I was just visiting Erza." I answered. “Oh ok, you were about to miss this epic battle here." said Lissana as she leaned over the balcony. “I'd never miss an epic battle! Who's batting though?" I shouted in surprised. "Lucy and Yukino." “What, those two?" “Yep. Two gate keepers." “Cool! This is going to be epic!" Lissana smiled warmly in return.

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