Chapter 12

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“Alright everyone lets get ready for our next game!" said the announcer over the intercom. “This game is to test the magic user's ability on the orb. But this is no ordinary orb...It can measure the user's magic and how strong the ability is. Now choose who you want from your guild to participate. And remember, only one person from your guild." The announcer finished his speech and we tried to decide who was gonna go down into the arena. “How about Natsu?" asked Lisanna. “Eh, seems kinda boring to just test out your magic." said Natsu.

“We have only one shot at this and you're just gonna throw it away like that?!" yelled Lucy as she grabbed his collar. “Stop it Lucy!" Natsu yelled back as he unhinged her hands off his collar. “Geez, what's your problem?! Mirajane just ironed this for me." “Sorry Natsu." said Lucy looking down. “Speaking of Mirajane, she could go down there to the arena since she's apart of Fairy tail B." said Erza matter-of-factly. “That's right, but we need one more person for Fairy tail A." Mirajane pointed out. “How about Cana?" I asked as I pointed to her. Cana was just sitting in a weird criss-cross form drinking from a wine bottle.

“Cana? No she can't do that. Her magic is not powerful enough." said Erza looking away from Cana. “No, I can do it." said Cana as she got up. She must've heard our entire conversation, which was surprising because she's drunk. “I may have one trick up my sleeve that'll do it." Cana put down her wine bottle, and walked out from the balcony with Mirajane right behind her. “Alright then, let's see what Cana does." said Erza not to sure about this. “You sent Cana down there?!" Natsu laughed. “I can't believe it! You should've sent me!" “Seriously." said Lucy not amused.

“Ok everyone, hope that wasn't a long wait because we now have all our contestants!" announced the announcer. “We have:

Jura from Lamia Scale

Kagura from Mermaid Heel

Orga from Sabertooth

Mirajane from Fairy tail B

Cana from Fairy tail A

Snake from Raven tail

Hibiki from Blue Pegasus

and finally,

Rocker from Quatro Puppy.

Most people in the crowd started to laugh or chuckle. Everyone in our guild just started laughing like crazy! Then the crowd pick up and laughed hilariously along with us. Rocker didn't seem to like this because he yelled, “Hey! Stop makin' fun of our guild! Would you like it if your guild was made fun of?" Nobody seemed to care, so everybody just kept laughing. Rocker turned away in disgust so he could listen to the announcer.

“Ok guys, so like I said, the orb just measures your ability and how strong it is. Just remember to make direct contact to it ok? If you miss then I'm gonna have to call you out. But knowing that you're very strong wizards, I know you won't miss." All of them nodded after he finished. “Alright then! Let's get this game underway!" The announcer left the arena to let them do their thing. “Let's go in order like when the announcer called us into the arena." said Jura as everyone else nodded and lined up.

Except Cana was acting a little strange when she lined up. I didn't know if it was because she was drunk or that she didn't feel comfortable about not going last or something. But apparently, she went up to Jura to ask him something, “Um, excuse me sir? Is it ok if I can go to the back of the line since me and Mira are in the same guild?" Jura turned to her and nodded quietly and Cana seemed thrilled about that. As she left, the crowd fell silent as Jura made his stance to blast something at the mystical looking glowing orb.

Jura made a humongous blast of light and it looked like it came out of the ground. After his attack, the orb said 8,890. Everyone was so blown away by this that some of the crowd and guilds were completely silent. But I was thinking of something else, wouldn't that attack have been stronger? I mean, he's like the strongest in his guild. Maybe he didn't attack at full force.

Up next was Kagura, I heard she was really good with her sword there. She might be a nice opponent for someone who's going against her. Kagura made her stance as well, she aimed at the orb, and swung at it with all her might. The orb said, 5,631 damage. People clapped after she made her move. Then to come next was Orga. Orga just took this as a 'no problem' situation and didn't have to make a stance. He just aimed and fired. The orb said, 6,109. The crowd clapped for him as he walked off proudly.

Mirajane came up to the orb and then, all of a sudden, transformed into her scary, blood curdling, intimidating, horrifying, She beast! The crowd looked petrified in their seats as she aimed at the orb and left a fair 7,899 points. All of Fairy tail clapped for her and yelled, "Good job Mira!" Mirajane smiled happily and walked towards the archway in the wall after she turned back to normal. Snake then stepped up and just punched the orb. He only left 300 points surprisingly and walked off.

Then Hibiki strutted towards the orb like he was a celebrity or something. He probably is in his guild but everyone around was probably thinking, what on earth is he doing? Is he going to blast something at the orb or is he just entertainment? I laughed under my breath at the thought of that. Lucy heard me though and asked, “What's so funny?" I immediately stopped laughing, looked towards her and said, “Oh, uh, nothing." I turned back towards the arena floor while Lucy just said, “Oooookay?" After our little chat, Hibiki was still strutting then all of sudden tripped. He was also doing some magic and missed and left a whopping 1 point.

Humiliated, Hibiki fast-walked with his head down. Rocker then stepped up and was about to do his thing when someone in the crowd, apparently with a gang, yelled, “Hey! That guy is an embarrassment to his guild! Get him off the arena!" His buddies laughed along with him after that rude outburst. “Hey! You've gotta problem with magic wielders?" Rocker yelled back. “Our guild may not be the best but I'm willing to sacrifice my life for them!" “Wow. This is so sappy I forgot to cry!" said the guy as his gang started to make crying noises. Rocker was becoming angry and I could feel a speech coming on so I left.

I was just walking around inside the arena when I bumped into somebody. I fell against the floor on my bum and looked up at the person and said, “Hey! What was that fo--" I couldn't finish the sentence though because I saw that it was Jellal. “Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" asked Jellal as he helped me up. “Uh, y-yeah I'm fine." I stammered. “Good. I was just walking around because I didn't want to end up hearing that speech." I gasped. “Same with me!" Jellal smiled at me and we both blushed. It was pretty awkward until he asked me something, “Aren't you the girl I saw with Erza and the other guys?" “Aww, you remembered! My name is (Y/n)" “Nice to meet you (Y/n). I'm pretty sure you know my name by now." “Yep. It's Jellal." “That's right." Their was another silence. This time, after the silence, I asked the question,

“Shouldn't you be wearing the mask though?" “Yeah but, I couldn't breath in that thing and plus it's not what I really like to wear. I like hoods better." “Oh, ok." I didn't have anything else to talk about so I just said, “Well, I better go. I want to see the grand finale so..." “Alright then, bye." said Jellal rather quickly and then left. I watched him leave and then I left after. As I arrived onto the balcony, Wendy asked, “Where we're you? You missed the entire speech from Rocker." “Oh, uh, I was, um..." “It's ok, but look, Cana's coming up to the orb now." I rushed to the edge and looked at Cana.

Cana made her stance and got ready to make her move. Then a mark appeared on her arm and she started yelling at the top of her lungs. She aimed at the orb and she shouted, “Fairy Glitter!" The dust cleared afterward and she left an awesome display of 9,999 points. Everyone went unexplainably crazy. I couldn't believe what I just witnessed.

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