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(At lunch - Grayson's POV)

I hadn't seen Brooke since math class. She was pretty angry at me because I didn't stick up for her. I didn't know what to say to the football team though; after all I am on that team. I just spend my time with Brooke instead of the boys.

I walk into the cafeteria to look for Brooke and don't see her anywhere so I go outside.

I scan my eyes over everyone to see that the cheerleading squad and the football team are all crowded around a certain area. I walk over to see what's going on.

To my shock I see Brooke standing in the middle of the huddle, with Sydney right in front of her. Sydney is the cheer captain so the rest of the team just copy her and do what she says.

"S-Sydney..I don't know what you're talking about. We are just friends!" Brooke says and I can tell she is on the verge of crying.

B hates people crowding her and giving her negative attention so this was a very bad situation for her. I push past a couple of the football team members so I can see.

"Oh Brooke, you keep telling yourself that. Even if you and Gray aren't in a relationship he is still using you. Although, there are a lot prettier and skinnier girls he could use or be with," Sydney says in the bitchiest tone with her hand on her hip.

Brooke is just stood there, not being able to do or say anything. I can tell that she is about to have an anxiety attack. I can see her hands shaking a little bit.

I barge through the last people to stand right next to Brooke.

"You're such a bitch Sydney. I don't know what my brother sees in you. I am not using Brooke! I love her and she is my best friend! You need to leave her alone!" I shout and before she gets to respond, I grab Brooke's hand and drag her to my car.
"Brooke, you o-okay?" I ask worriedly. She just shakes her head and starts crying again.

All I can do is pull her into a hug and comfort her.
"Wanna go to your place? We can watch a movie and eat junk?" I ask, in an attempt to cheer her up. She pulls out of the hug, takes a deep breath and wipes her eyes.
"Uh y-yea.." She just manages to get out, her voice wobbling.
"Okay," I say softly while getting into the drivers seat of my car.

I put on music very quietly, to fill the awkward silences, and drive to Brooklyn's house.

The whole time Brooke was just staring out of the window with tears still streaming from her beautiful brown eyes.

I sigh as we pull into the drive way.

"Brooke?" I ask cautiously.
"Yes Grayson?" She responds quietly.
"You started having an anxiety attack, didn't you?" I ask again, looking at her with worry in my eyes. She just nods.
"They started to come back a couple of months ago.." Brooke mumbles.
"Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped." I say, raising my voice slightly but not in an angry way.

Brooke shrugs. I sigh again, open the car door and go around to open Brooke's for her.
"Thanks.." She says and gets out.

We both walk into her house and I close the door behind us.
"Your mum home?" I ask while sitting on the couch.
"No. She's at a work conference. I'm home alone until next Saturday." Brooklyn reads off of a note that was on the refrigerator and sighs.
"Oh..Uhm I can stay over a couple times to keep you company if you want?" I ask, slightly nervous.
"Uh it's okay Gray. I'll be fine," Brooke responds with a small smile.
"Well, if you need anythi-" I start.
"Then I can call you. Yes, I know." She continues while rolling her eyes which makes me chuckle.

Brooke smiles and I just look at her.

"What?" She says, blushing slightly.
"I'm just proud of you B." I say, smiling.
"Stand up." Brooke demands bluntly. I reluctantly stand.

She just runs up to me, hugs me and wraps her arms around my neck. I put my hands on the back of her thighs and lift her up. Brooke wraps her legs around my waist and buries her head in my shoulder.

"I love you, Gray.." Brooklyn whispers softly into my ear.
"I love you too, B.." I whisper back.

More than she will ever know..


Ooooh ;)
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Megan xo

Love Can Change Everything // G.B.DWhere stories live. Discover now