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(Grayson's POV)

"No, Brooklyn! Stay with me, I love you..." I shout as Brooke falls into my arms.

I carry her quickly to my car, place her gently into the passenger seat and drive to the hospital.

The doctors take Brooke into a room and hook her up to machines.
"Is she going to be okay?!" I half shout at the nurse.
"Calm down, sir. Your friend is going to be alright. She just had a major anxiety attack, that's all." The nurse says calmly.
"Okay.." I mutter, taking deep breaths to calm myself down. "Can I see her?"
"Yes, just through there." She says while pointing at a door.

I go through the door and see Brooke laying on a bed with her eyes closed. I pull a chair up to the side of her bed and sit down. Her hands were pale and limp, I take the closest one in my hand and hold it. I run my thumb across the top of her hand and sigh. I lift her hand up to my lips and kiss it softly.

I close my eyes to hold back the tears and I can't help but feel terrible.
"I love you, too.." I hear a soft voice whisper. My eyes open instantly and look down at Brooke. Her eyes were fluttering weakly, showing me her beautiful brown eyes. Tears instantly roll down my cheeks.
"Don't cry.." She mutters while reaching her hand up to my face and wiping the tears away with her thumb.

I keep thinking, does she really mean love or is it just in a friend way.
"B-Brooke?" I stutter.
"Hmm?" She hums.
"What do you mean by 'love'?" I say with a sigh.
"What do I mean? I mean that when I see you all I can do is smile. For the past year, every time I see you all I want to do is kiss you. And that I have fallen truly, madly and deeply in love with Grayson Bailey Dolan.." She says, blushing lots at the end.

I don't have the words. I lean down and kiss her softly.
"I love you too, B." I say with a small smile. I press my forehead against Brooke's and she smiles.
"What do you mean by love?" Brooke whispers in my ear. I laugh and sit back down normally.
"Hmm let me think. That I want you, all the time. And that I would like to get under your sexy body." I start to sing very badly. Brooklyn starts to laugh hysterically which makes me smile.
"Sooooo you basically just wanna have sex with me and then piss off?" She asks after she calms down.
"Pretty much." I say while shrugging. She punches my arm playfully.
"I'm not joking, Brooke." I say seriously.
"Hmm" she mumbles while rolling her eyes.

I bite my lip softly and kiss her again.
"What I mean is, I want to be with you 24/7, laugh with you 24/7, kiss you 24/7 and cuddle with you 24/7.." I whisper in her ear slowly, which makes her shudder. I chuckle and sit down again, still holding her hand.
"I love you Gravy.." Brooklyn says teasingly and with a wink.
"Oh gosh, not that nickname again. You promised you wouldn't mention it!" I whined and Brooke giggles.
"It's still funny Gray, admit it." Brooke says while laughing.
"It's not funny B! It's embarrassing!" I let go of her hand and cover my face with my own.
"Awwwhhhhh is gravy boy getting all embarrased?" Brooke asks with a pout.
I roll my eyes at her and fold my arms.
"Okay, Grayson, you brought gravy to a party and then when my mom made it, you spilt it all over yourself and the floor! It's fucking hilarious!" Brooke explains while hysterically laughing.
"Maybe a little, but pleassseeeeeee don't mention it again. I was only eight years old!" I beg with a pouty lip.
"Fine! You're way too cute." Brooke says with a smile.

I blush slightly and stretch.
"When do I get to get out of this place?" Brooklyn complains.
"Soo-" I start saying when I was interrupted by a nurse.
"Now, actually." She says with a small smile. "Here is your medication, for your head, and here are the release forms." Brooklyn takes them with a big smile, the smile I love.

"Thank you, so much." Brooke says, with the smile still on her face.
"You are welcome Brooklyn, but I am not the one you should be thanking," the nurse says while looking over at me. "If it wasn't for your friend here, then you wouldn't be able to go home just yet."
Brooke looked at me and smiled slightly. "Thank you, Gray."
"You're welcome, B." I say with a small smile. "You ready?" Brooke nods, I hold onto both her hands to sit her up and get her to her feet.
"I have a pair of spare leggings if you need to use them? I don't have a shirt though." The nurse offers.
"Um yes please. It doesn't matter, uh Gray? Can I borrow your sweatshirt?" Brooke asks.
"Hmm, let me think." I say teasingly. The nurse had walked out to get the leggings. "What will you give me in return?"
"Grayyyyyy! Please? I'll give you whatever you want." Brooke begs.
"Fine." I say with a smirk on my face and pass my sweatshirt to her.
"Thank you. Ooooh! And this is my favourite one," she says with a smile.

Brooklyn starts to take off the hospital robe.
"Uhm should I step out until you've gotten changed?" I ask awkwardly.
"Grayson, you've seen me in a bikini before. What's the difference?" She says, making a point.
"True." I say, pulling my phone out and going on snapchat.

Brooke continues to take the robe off, stood only in her bra and panties. I look up from my phone and bite my lip softly. I start to stare but then snap out of it realising that B could catch me.

She turns around, her bum in my face, and grabs the sweatshirt. Brooklyn pulls it over her head and slides it down her torso. It came to the middle of her thighs and, I'm not going to lie, it looked hot.


Woah! Long chapter guys
I think this chapter is really cute :))
I hope you enjoyed it.
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Megan xo

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