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(Brooklyn's POV)

"I love you, Gray.." I whisper, knowing that he has no idea that I actually mean it.

Recently my feelings for Grayson have grown. I think I like him more than a friend.

"I love you too, B.." He whispers back which makes me sigh happily.

He carries me to the couch and lays me down. I keep a hold of his neck and pull him down next to me.

He puts his arm around my waist and we put Netflix on so we can watch a movie. The movie starts playing and I smile to myself.

Half way through the movie there is a knock at the door. I get out of Gray's arms and walk to the door.

They knock louder, making me jump. Grayson stands up and walks closer to me but still out of sight. I open the door to see Ethan stood there.

"Where's Grayson?" He asks, sounding angry.
"Uh..why?" I question, confused and worried.
"Is he here, Brooklyn!?" Ethan shouts which scares me. I nod and step out of his way.

Ethan walks in, looks around and as soon as he lays his eyes on Grayson he grabs him by the collar and pins him against the wall.

"What are you doing Ethan!?" Grayson shouts, trying to get Ethan off of him but fails.
"How dare you hit my girlfriend!!" Ethan screams in his face.

I am so confused at this point. Grayson never laid a finger on Sydney.

"What are you talking about Ethan? I didn't touch Sydney!" Grayson defends himself.
"So she came home crying, with a red mark on her face for nothing?!" Ethan says loudly again, making me take a step back in fear.

I've never seen him like this. Never.

"I. Didn't. Touch. Your. Bitchy. Girlfriend." Grayson says calmly but Ethan throws a punch, scaring me even more.

"Please stop.." I cry but Ethan takes no notice. Grayson looks over at me with slight fear in his eyes and blood trickling out of his nose.

"Ethan Grant Dolan! Stop and get out of my house! Right now." I raise my voice in an intimidating way.

Ethan gives me a dirty look, let's go of Grayson and walks out of the house. He slams the door, I jump and tears stream down my face.

"B-Brooklyn?" Grayson's voice wobbles. I bite my lip, holding back the tears and nod slightly.
"Y-Yea Gray.." I say between sobs.
"Come here." He demands but softly, opening his arms.

I walk over to him and he pulls me close. I look up at him and put my hand on his face.

His lips were slightly swollen from where Ethan punched him and the collar of his shirt was ripped. I wipe away the blood with my thumb and he flinches slightly.

I look at his lips and then into his eyes. I can't take it anymore.

I put my hand on the back of his neck, pull his neck down slightly and go on my tippy toes. I press my lips against his. They are so soft.

I was expecting him to pull away, but he didn't. He just kissed me back and wrapped my legs around his waist.

I pull away after a couple of minutes and rest my head on his shoulder.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that.." I whisper in his ear.
"I bet I've waited longer." Gray whispers back, with a slight smirk on his face.

I giggle and get down off of him. I look at the door and remember what happened with Ethan. When Gray and I kissed it was like time had stopped, I forgot everything bad that had ever happened. I look back up at Grayson and sigh.
"She has him wrapped around her horrid fingers.." I mumble while shaking my head.
"I know. I hate seeing my brother like this." Grayson spits, his hatred towards Sydney has clearly grown.
"He's supposed to be one of my closest friends, yet he hasn't spoken to me properly in months. Since him and Sydney became a 'thing'!" I start to rant.

Gray reaches his hands out and grabs mine.
"Calm down, okay?" He chuckles. I nod and smile slightly.
"But...why would she make something like that up? It's not something to joke about." I mumbles, remembering my past with guys.

My last boyfriend, Carter, was abusive. Very abusive. I still have marks to prove it. He physically and mentally hurt me. Grayson was one of the only people who were completely there for me. I had friends who said that they were there but always jumped at other opportunities when I needed them. Gray didn't. I think that's what made me fall for him. His constant caring attitude towards everybody. Especially towards me.

Carter was forceful, he threatened me every time I said that I was leaving him. He'd do things to me that I wasn't ready for and things that I didn't want to do, especially not with him. At first I loved him, I truly did. One day, at his house for a school project, he forced himself on me.

It's basically easier to say that he raped me and I've been scared to be touched like that since.


Shiiiiii just got real!
Upcoming chapters are juicy ;)
Megan xo

Love Can Change Everything // G.B.DМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя