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(Brooklyn's pov)

"So, why do you want to talk to me?" I ask Kelsey and we sit down.
"Pretty obvious, but Ethan." She answers.

I nod slowly.
"What about him?" I question, partly knowing what it'll be about.
"It's so frustrating, we act like couple but we're not. I like him and you say that he likes me. What more do we need to know to become official!" Kelsey rants but quiet enough for only me to hear.

I sigh quietly and look at Ethan. Just as I'm looking at him, he turns and looks directly at me. I look back at Kelsey quickly.
"Right, yea you guys are acting like a couple but you aren't. Think about it, after Ethan's last relationship he might want to take it slow. Especially with you," I explain.
"Why especially with me?" She asks.
"Because it's obvious that he genuinely likes you, maybe even love you," I answer.

Kelsey nods slowly then sighs slightly.
"Don't get frustrated about it, okay? It'll happen when it does, and when it does it'll be amazing because it wasn't forced too quickly," I reassure her with a small smile.
"Okay, yea you're right," Kelsey says, "thank you."
"No problem Kels," I respond then look to the boys again, who were talking. It wouldn't surprise me if they were talking about the same thing as Kelsey and I were just talking about.

(Grayson's pov)

"What about her?" Ethan asks.
"What's happening with you and her?" I ask quietly.
"I don't actually know Gray, I like her but I don't want to rush it." He explains.
"But you don't want to leave it too long, she might think you're not interested anymore. If that happens then you have no chance with her," I say with a shrug.

Ethan sighs and runs his fingers through his hair again, in a stressful way.
"But it's up to you," I add, looking at my frustrated older brother.

He nods slightly while looking at me.
"Okay, enough about me, how have you and Brooke been going?" E asks with a small smile.
"We've been great, although we  haven't really done anything 'romantic' in a while," I say with a grin.
"I can help you with that later, if you like?" Ethan says with a chuckle.
I nod, "okay sure, but what do I do? I want to do something original but I have no ideas."
"Well, Brooke likes simple things. Basic but full of romance. Classy but a little bit cheesy. Am I right?" Ethan starts. I nod, knowing that he's right.
"Then stick to that. Write her a letter explaining from when you first started to fall in love with her. Cover her house with candles and order take out. Write her a song, you're not actually too bad at singing" Ethan continues, with a chuckle.
"I'm terrible at song writing though, I've tried that." I laugh but quietly.
Ethan shrugs, "then sing her an already existing song."

I nod slowly, thinking about all three options.
"Okay, thank you bro," I say with a smile.
"No problem Gray," Ethan responds with a cheesy grin.



I gather my books up and stretch my arms in front of me. I look over at Brooke and she grins at me.

She's so gorgeous.

I grin back and walk over to her.
"Hey beautiful," I say, kissing her on the cheek.

As I pull my lips away, I notice a light blush on her cheeks. I smile and whisper, "I love you."
"I love you too," Brooklyn whispers back.

I reach down and put my arm around her waist.
"Come on then," I say with a grin, while looking down at her.
"Okay," she says, starting to walk to the classroom door.

As Brooke and I are walking out of the classroom, I notice that Kelsey and Ethan are also walking together but not as close as they were before.

"Brooke?" I mumble.
"Yes Gray?" She says, looking up at me.
"What did you and Kelsey talk about, because look at them now," I ask.
She looks forward at them and then back up at me.
"Oh uh we talked about her and Ethan," she answered.
"What did you tell her to do?" I question.
"Only that she should be a bit patient with him because he just came out of a relationship and that if they rush it then it probably won't last as long," she explains, "I don't want two of my best friends ending up hurt."

I nod slowly, "Oh okay."
"What did you say to him, because you were obviously talking about it too?" She asks.
"Yea..I told Ethan to get a move on and do something about them being together because otherwise she's gonna move on," I say quickly.

Brooke sighs quite heavily and looks at me.
"So Ethan is probably going to end up thinking Kelsey isn't interested because I told her to be patient, for goodness sake."
"Oh no.." I gulp and look in front at Kelsey and Ethan.
"It's alright, they'll work this out. They both like each other soo," Brooke shrugs and we just keep walking.


The school day has ended and Ethan said that he would help me with Brooke.

"Hey E!" I say loudly as he walks out of the school entrance. He smiles and walks over.
"Kelsey and Brooke are both going to Kelsey's so yea, I can help you with a romantic gesture now if you want?" He says with a chuckle.
"Okay, yea please," I respond, starting to walk home because we didn't bring the car.


This story is coming to an end, I cri :'(
The chapter is eh but the next few should be betterrrr
Megan xo

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