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(A couple days later - Grayson's POV)

I want to ask Brooke to be my girlfriend but I have no idea how. Usually Ethan would help me with this but due to recent circumstances, he can't.

The past couple of days I've been paying closer attention to what movies Brooklyn has been watching, to get ideas for the date.

"Grayson?" Brooke calls, dragging out the 'Y' and 'N'.
"Yes babygirl?" I ask, not looking up from my phone. I feel a pair of arms around my neck so I lock my phone straight away.
"Hmm. What're you looking at?" Brooke asks, grabbing my phone and running off with it.

I started to get nervous because she has a fingerprint on it.
"Brooklyn! Give it back!" I whine, chasing after her.
"Why? You tryna cover up some of your side hoes?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't need to cover you up." I say in an attempt to annoy her. She rolls her eyes and passes my phone back.
"If you really would like to know what I was looking at then be ready at 6 tonight. Dress up but not too posh." I inform her while walking back to the couch. I look behind me to see Brooke stood there with a smile planted on her face.
"Princess?!" I shout up the stairs.
It's 3:30pm and I have to go get ready myself and get the whole date ready.
"Yea babe?!" She shouts back.
"I have to go, be ready for 6. I'm gonna pick you up not a minute later." I reply while walking to the front door.
"Okay, I love you." Brooke responds sweetly.
"I love you too." I say back as I'm walking to my car.

I'm really nervous because I have to go back to my house and face Ethan. I have to go through with it though, if I want to have this date with Brooklyn.
I knock on the door and wait for my brother to answer. A couple of minutes later Ethan comes to the door in just sweatpants and with massive bags under his eyes, as if he'd been crying.
"Uh, hi.." I mutter.
"Hey?" Ethan says, pretty much asking why I was here.
"I'm just here to get changed and stuff." I say, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Oh okay." He says, opening the door and letting me in. I go straight to my bedroom and pick out an outfit. I lay it on my bed and take a quick shower.

I walk back into my room and look at the clothes laid out on my bed. I start to get nervous. Really nervous.

I dry myself off and get changed into my outfit.

I look at myself in the mirror and do my hair

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I look at myself in the mirror and do my hair.
"Okay." I mutter to myself and shake my hands to calm my nerves.

I walk back downstairs and Ethan is sat on the couch watching TV.
"Thanks Eth, uh I'm gonna go now." I say with a small smile. He turns around and looks me up and down.
"Okay, um where are you going? You're looking dressed up." He questions with his eyebrow raised. I rub the back of my neck nervously.
"I'm taking Brooklyn out on a date." I say shyly.
"Is my little brother nervous about going on a date?! That's not like him at all." Ethan says teasingly.
"Oh my gosh, shut up okay?" I say, hitting him on the shoulder. "I don't know what it is but she has some sort of control over me and being around her makes me nervous."
"Someone's definitely in love." He chuckles. I smile to myself and then look back at Ethan.
"So..um have you seen Sydney?" I ask through gritted teeth. Ethan shakes his head and looks away. "Oh." I sigh.
"Well I wish you luck, Grayson" Ethan says with a sigh and goes back to watching TV.
"Thanks," I mutter and walk out of the house.

I get in my car and drive to the place where I am going to set the date up.

All of the stuff I need is in the trunk and I start unpacking it all.

(At the same time - Brooklyn's POV)

Urgh I don't know why but I'm really nervous for tonight.

I have no idea what I'm going to wear.

I call my best friend, Kelsey, to ask for advise.
"Hi Brookie!" She says through the phone.
"Hey Kels!" I say back. "Um I need your help."
"With what?" Kelsey asks calmly.
"Wardrobe help." I say anxiously.
"What's the occasion Hun?" She asks again.
"Uh I may of been asked out on a date and I have no idea what to wear." I ramble nervously.
"Omg by who?!" Kelsey practically screams.

Kelsey doesn't know about Grayson and I yet. Not even before 'we' happened. I never told anyone about my feelings toward Gray because I was scared, but I know this is the right time to tell her.

"Grayson.." I mumble quietly.
"OMGGG!!" She squeals. "I'm coming over. Right now." And she hangs up.

I chuckle and put my phone down.

I have already showered and blow dried my hair. I walk into my closet and turn in a circle to take in the amount of clothes. I go back to my bed and check my phone. It's 4:20pm.
"Oh gosh..how am I gonna get ready in time?!" I mutter just as Kelsey barges in my room.
"Okay girl, wait one second and I will get some outfits." Kelsey says, walking into my closet. "Wait. Is there a dress code?"
"He said 'dress up but not too posh' so I don't know." I say with a sigh.
"Easy! I'll be back in a second." Kelsey squeals making me laugh.
A couple of minutes later Kelsey comes back out with two different outfits.

She had a white flowy dress with black heels and black clutch and a floral dress with blue wedges and a white clutch.

"Try them. Both of them." Kelsey demands and I carry both dresses into the bathroom and try on the white one first.

I walk back out to where Kelsey was sitting. She looks me up and down and nods slowly.


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"Turn." She demands. I turn all the way round slowly. "Nice."
"Just nice?" I ask worriedly.
"Yea..okay the next one." Kelsey says waving her hand.
I sigh and walk back into the bathroom. I change into the floral dress and look at myself in the mirror before walking out. I like this one. A lot.

I walk out with a smile on my face. Kelsey looks at me and smiles wide.
"Yes yes yes yes yes!!" Kelsey squeals and I twirl while giggling. She gets up and hugs me tight. "You look absolutely gorgeous!"
"Do you think he'll like it?" I say, looking down at the dress.

"Of course he will

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"Of course he will." Kelsey assures. "Hair and makeup now! We only have an hour and five minutes until he will be at your door!"
I run to my dressing table to start to my makeup while Kelsey does my hair.


I really like this chapter!
Gray and Eth were kinda acting normal weren't they? :)
The next couple of chapters are hopefully gonna be really cute!
Megan xo

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