24 • Stefan

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For Jakesburrito , hope ya like it, sorry for the wait :)

Imagine Stefan and Damon fighting over you.


"Stefan I don't need protection all of the time." You rolled your eyes as you walked up to the door out of the boarding house, Stefan raised an eyebrow from the coach as you opened the door. The silhouette of Damon in the doorway made you jump, you put a hand to your chest where your thumping heart was now calming down.

"I was going to knock." Damon shrugged as he walked past you, you rolled your eyes as he stepped into the house. There was something about his cockiness that drew you in, you weren't sure what it was or how he did it. But you could shamefully admit that you were attracted to it.

Stefan on the other hand, just oozed boyfriend material. Something that you were also drawn in by. His welcoming and caring nature seemed to override any dangerous precautions you had put in place regarding the fact that he's a vampire.

You glanced between the two brothers sighing slightly, they both knew of the others intentions. You knew they both shared the same feelings for you, however you couldn't keep this mutual ignorance of the matter up forever.

"Was I interrupting something?" Damon asked with a frown, looking between the two of you as Stefan and you shook your heads.

"No Stefan was just saying I can't go home on my own because it's too dangerous." You mocked as Damon smirked.

"Well you never know what monsters could be lurking out there in the night Y/N." He spoke, causing you to laugh lightly as Stefan rolled his eyes.

"I was being serious though Y/N, now you're involved in our world it's much dangerous out there." Stefan spoke as he stood up, walking over to you as Damon made worried expressions in a mocking manner.

"Stefan how many times have I gone home fine." You sighed, smiling at him lightly to try and brighten the mood. "Just ignore him." You gestured to Damon who pretended to look offended.

"Oh come on brother, liven up a bit. Let her live a little, no need to be so strict." Damon backed you up as you raised an eyebrow at him, he merely shrugged.

"Damon leave it." Stefan spoke, rubbing his temple with his hand.

"Y/N why don't you just stay here the night? If Stefan thinks it's too late for you to go home." Damon offered as you thought about it.

"Honestly guys I'm fine to just-"

"Great!" Damon cut you off. "So who's room will you be staying in?" He questioned with a smirk as you glanced between both of them.

"I...You're gunna make me choose?" You asked as Damon nodded, Stefan looked uneasy.

"Maybe it'll help clear things up once and for all." Stefan muttered as Damon turned to face him, eyes narrowing.

"What's that supposed to mean brother?" Damon questioned, stepping closer to him as you gulped. He looked angry, it was bubbling up too.

"You want Y/N to choose, so that we can finally end this. So we can finally see where her true feelings lie." Stefan stated, shrugging as Damon approached him.

"You feeling threatened Stefan?" Damon asked, pushing his shoulder lightly.

"Damon." You warned grabbing his arm, however he easily pulled away. Continuing to walk closer to Stefan who was backing up slightly.

"You think that your 'almost girlfriend' is straying?" Damon persisted as you stood there looking at the two of them, you groaned as Stefan stopped moving. Both of them looked almost animalistic, they were extremely competitive but this was taking it to another level.

"Oh I'm not threatened Damon." Stefan replied blankly, pushing Damon back. This seemed to cause his anger to bubble over, Damon lunged at Stefan, shattering a nearby vase. You shrieked in surprise as the brothers collided on the floor, Stefan on top of Damon and punching him forcefully.

"Stefan!" You shouted, pleading him to stop as Damon pushed him off of him. Throwing his own punches at Stefan. They continued their brawl around the room, throwing each other about like rag dolls, smashing into shelves and tables. Splinters of furniture sent flying into the air as the room transformed from equilibrium to devastation in seconds. "Stop!" You shouted as they continued to ignore you.

Damon pinned Stefan against the wall by his throat, his eyes were blazing with anger as Stefan kicked him off. Stefan only had a few moments to get his breath before Damon was back to attacking him.

You were beginning to panic at how much this had escalated, it was no longer fun and games yet neither of them were listening to you.

However you knew how to get their attention.

You bent down and picked up a piece of smashed glass, the jagged edge felt, as well as looked, dangerous. You gulped before gritting your teeth as you slid the sharp material across your finger, creating a deep gash. Blood began to surface from the fresh wound as you winced.

Both of the brothers stopped what they were doing, Damon halting mid punch to turn and look at you. You dropped the glass as you'd finally got their attention, both speeding over to you as you swallowed thickly.

"Why did you do that?" Damon narrowed his eyes, touching your injured hand, Stefan's eyes never left the wound.

"I-Im sorry, you weren't listening to me. You had to stop." You whispered, looking between the brothers. "You guys can't keep fighting like this, I don't want to be the reason you do."

"Then choose." Stefan spoke up, you glanced at him in shock, impressed with his control and giving him a small smile.

"I can't, you know my feelings for you, both of you." You sighed, closing your eyes for a second.

Slowly you opened them and looked at Damon first, his eyes still had that glint of anger in them, his face was set hard as he awaited your decision. He was panting yet still looked as if he'd merely ran a small distance, not just ended up in a brutal fight.

You then slowly turned to Stefan, his eyes were occasionally darting to the small wound on your finger. He'd recovered from the fight equally as well as Damon, no physical damage evident yet you didn't want to be the one to sever their brotherly tie.

"Damon." You started as he glanced at you. "I do love you, I think a part of me always will." You admitted. "But I love Stefan more." The last part came out in almost a whisper as Damon nodded, looking down at the floor.

You glanced at Stefan to see him with wide eyes, suppressing a smile, you bit your lip and stepped towards Damon. However he stepped back from you, giving you an odd look before speeding off in the blink of an eye. Leaving you alone with Stefan.

"Leave him." Stefan sighed as you turned to face him. "He'll find a way to deal with it." He continued, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist. "Did you truly mean that?"

"Of course. I truly love you Stefan." You smiled up at him as he no longer could hide his happiness.

"I love you too Y/N." He smiled, leaning down and meeting your lips with a soft and tender kiss.


Nawwww, happy ending (for Stefan fans, sorry Damon fans)

Triple update guys! Trying to get as many imagines done as I can to get them all out for people who've literally been waiting nearly a year! (Blame my inconsistent activeness of this year)

Stay Weird


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